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24th December

Dean woke up to a cup of coffee and a fully dressed, smiling angel. "Hmm, must be Christmas," he grumbled into the pillow.

Within half an hour Cas had Dean baking a pie and decorating cakes at the same time while he cooked the dinner. He wanted everything to be perfect for when Sam and Sarah arrived with little Mary.

When Jess had died twelve years ago Dean never thought he'd see Sam settle down again but then along came Sarah and she was brilliant. Eight years on and she's a Winchester, even excepted by Bobby.

The knock on the door at 11:00am signaled the arrival of the three Winchesters. Sarah walked in first with Mary wrapped up in blankets whilst Sam stumbled in behind her with a big baby bag, eggnog and beer.

Dean walked over to help his brother with all his stuff as Cas bee lined for Mary. They both loved kids but they were Castiel's passion. The five set up camp in the living room, taking it in turns to hold Mary who had them all wrapped around her little fingers.

Castiel excitedly told Sarah and Sam about the adoption papers that Dean had surprised him with the day before and Sam laughed as he explained that he had had to hold Dean's hand through the entire thing because he had no idea what he was doing. All four were eager to add a new Winchester to the family. Dean grabbed Cas's hand, they were going to be parents. They chatted about family and Christmas until Cas remembered the turkey.

The four of them crammed into the kitchen-dinner to get the meal ready while Mary sat and watched from her high chair, giggling at the odd drops of attention she grabbed from her family. After several near misses the food landed on the four plates and one bowl and they tucked in.

Sam and Dean had a few traditions around Christmas and one was that they always had turkey sandwiches and gravy the day before Christmas. This tradition had carried on even after they had moved away from each other and married.

When everyone was finished Cas found the Christmas radio station and turned it up. Sarah and Sam sat curled up on the sofa while Cas sat on the floor playing with Mary and Dean sat on the chair. All of them had a piece of pie or cake, half eaten on their laps as they discussed the next day. Sarah complimented Cas on the decorations which made him grin from ear to ear.

Sam looked over at Dean and sighed "Our house is exactly the same, maybe worse." Both of them just rolled their eyes before smiling. It was nice. They were content.

When their mum had died and their dad had decided to travel around the country neither Winchester ever thought that they would have this. Neither thought that they would be able to sit with family and have Christmas music playing and have the ability to complain about too many decorations in their homes.

This was the life both had wanted but neither thought possible. Both of them deserved it and they had worked hard to get there. Domestic life suited them and they were happy.

At some point Sam got up and grabbed the eggnog. "Here you go Dean, made it myself," he winked. Sam had a habit of putting a lot of alcohol in his eggnog. Bobby had always said that there is no such thing as too much alcohol but when he first tasted Sam's concoction he decided that that was boarding that limit.

Sarah said she'd drive back so Cas, Dean and Sam poured themselves a glass. However after half an hour Sam was the only one who had finished his and that was based on a "If it's not that bad then drink all your glass," from Dean.

In the late afternoon Sam and Sarah packed up their stuff and headed out. After they left Dean and Cas sat in comfortable silence. Dean was waiting for it. He was counting the minutes. Just as they were about to hit seven: "Deannnn... Can we fill out the forms?" He smirked to himself before answering, Sam owed him a fiver.

Cas wanted to make sure that everything was perfect. He wrote the answers on a separate piece of paper before on the actual forms and sat talking everything through with Dean until every minute detail was covered.

He'd be lying if Dean said he didn't enjoy it. They were going to have a kid of their own. They might even get two! If someone had told him fifteen years ago that this is where he would be he'd have laughed.

Once the papers were finally filled out Dean grabbed them both a beer and walked back in to Cas putting on the grinch. They sat up giggling and drinking until far too late until they fell into their bed. The last thing Cas remembered was Dean kissing his for head and grabbing his hand.

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