|Chapter 1||I Kissed a Girl and I Liked It|

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|Chapter 1||I Kissed a Girl and I Liked It|

Samantha's POV

The music blared through the speakers and made my head spin. The music was too loud to hear the words but I could make out some of the beats from a Taylor Swift song. I gagged internally because of the song choices but kept dancing and laughing with my friends.
Red cups littered the ground and nearby tables. And after a few more songs I escaped for some fresh air. When I got outside and shut the door the music got quieter and I breathed a sigh of relief. I walked further into the woods behind the house where the party was and saw a faint light in the distance.
I walked towards the light and the closer I got, the more the scene before me got clearer. I heard music playing and saw about fifteen people swaying, talking, laughing, and having an overall good time. When I got close enough to hear everything I quickly recognized the song playing. It was 'Homesick by A Day To Remember' I smiled a little and nearly tripped while walking over.
I saw a flash of red hair and my eyes followed it, my eyes focused and noticed a familiar face. It was a girl named Lily, she was a little younger than me but we were both sophomores. She waved and motioned for me to come over. I slowly approached her and a brunette male.
"Sammy," She slurred the words out and hiccuped a little. I waved shyly and took the red cup from her hand so she wouldn't drink anymore, she could barely stand up by herself and was clinging to the guy next to her.
"Hey Lily. I think it's time for you to go home," I walked over to a garbage bag and disposed of both our cups. When I walked back over she was playing with the brunette's cheeks and mumbling about how he was a pretty squirrel. "You've had one drink to many."
I grabbed her arm and told the guy to leave. He shrugged and walked off.
Lily grabbed my arm and pulled me behind some trees.
"You know, I've always thought you were cute," She hiccuped and pinned me against the tree. I gulped as she looked me in the eyes trying to decipher something. "I like you Sammy-boo. You're pretty, smart, and funny."
"Wait. You're gay?" I asked and mentally slapped myself. Well she wasn't straight you idiot, she just told you she liked you.
"Well duh! Everyone here, you know, at this part of the woods, is gay as fuck." I looked around and noticed some of the people were making out, like in every high school party, but none were straight couples. "Wait, you are gay, right?"
I blushed and looked away, avoiding all eye contact. Truth was, I didn't know. I've never kissed a girl to find out but always secretly knew that I wasn't quite straight. All my life I saw people walking around, knowing who they are, what category they fit in, and where they're going. But I never quite knew. I've had a boyfriend before but that was only one time. We fell in love and I thought it was perfect but sometimes love doesn't last. I know that I like males but females were something I questioned constantly. I look at guys that my friends consider 'hot' or 'cute' and sometimes really question myself because I don't find any attraction towards them. "I-I really don't know."
"What do you mean you 'don't know' it's quite simple really. Do you crave the D or the V? Or maybe both? Or neither?" I blushed slightly at her blunt response. I starting stuttering as she moved closer to me and made my head spin. The alcohol was clear on her breath as she got closer to me. "Oh."
"W-What do you mean by 'oh'?" Lily leaned in and turned her head to whisper in my ear.
"You've never kissed a girl, have you?" By this point my face was the same shade as a tomato and my body was shaking as I stuttered, stupidly trying to think of a response.
"I, uh, yes. Yes I have. You don't know what you're saying, you're drunk." She raised one of her perfectly sculpted eyebrows and leaned her body against mine.
"I may be drunk, but I'm not stupid!" She hiccuped and threw her head back as she laughed.
"Okay, so what? I haven't kissed a girl. I haven't quite figured out my sexuality. I can't be the only one in the world that feels lost and confused." I shrugged as her lips suddenly turned up into a smirk. Before I knew what was happening her lips were on my neck. She went from my collar bone to my jaw and back as her hands dropped to my waist. "Lily...What are you doing?"
I gasped as she sucked on my skin, right between my neck and shoulder. "I'm helping you."
And that was the last thing she said before her lips covered mine.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2015 ⏰

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