Chapter 3

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I wake up the next day to clapping, and singing. "Wake up, sleepyhead!" The voices sing. I take an extra pillow, and cover my ears, "Go away!"

"Never!" The two voices retort. I sit up and see none other than, Ben and Josh. "Well good morning, sleeping beauty," Josh says. "I hate you," I groan, hitting them both in the gut with a pillow. "That's not nice, young lady," Ben says, wagging a finger at me. "I'm three months older than you, so there," I stick out my tongue at him.

"Wanna go to Waffle House?" Josh asks. I nod, "I'll see if Mer, and Mel wanna come. You two can invite whoever. I'll be down in a few." I put on some sweats, fuzzy boots, and one of the guys' oversized hoodies that I somehow ended up with, and walk to the lobby. Steve, Meredith, Wren, and Melissa are waiting.

I greet each of them with a hug. "We're waiting on the boys, they should be here soon," I say, texting Ben. "And they say girls take forever," Meredith laughs.

"Is that Sky's hoodie?" Melissa asks, gesturing towards my shirt. I nod, "Probably, we were all hanging out the other night, and somehow this ended up with my clothes so I wore it."

About five minutes later, Josh, Ben, Mike, and Sky join us. "Hey!" Sky exclaims, "That's my-" Ben cuts him off, "Cigar!" Sky shoves him, "No. Belle is wearing my hoodie. The one I've been looking for all morning!"

"I'm not giving it back to you now," I bluntly point out. Sky shrugs, and we walk outside. "Joshy?" Wren asks. "Yes," he says, crouching down to her level. "Carry me?" She asks. "Of course," he replies.

"Benjie?" I ask, imitating Wren. "Get on," Ben sighs. I giggle, and jump on his back. We get to the Waffle House, and Ben and Josh set Wren and I down. We get a table, and I squished in a booth between Josh and Mike.

We order waffles, and once they come and we're eating, Mike literally elbows me so many times. "Mike, stop it!" I exclaim. He shakes his head, "No." I turn to Melissa who is sitting across from us, next to Ben and Wren.

"Melissa, please make him stop," I plead. She doesn't even have to say anything, she eyes Mike, and right away he stops. We finish breakfast, and go back to the hotel. There's a show tonight. I'm a swing, so I don't perform all the time, but Morgan's battling a sinus infection, so I'm going on for her.

"I can't do this," I sigh, sitting down on the theater floor. "You've got this B, you're gonna be a great Katherine," Josh says. "Josh, I can't do this okay. I've never played Katherine before. What if I'm not as good as everybody else?" I sigh.

Josh hugs me, "Listen Belle, you're going to go out there, and you're going to rock it. Trust me, you've got this. I'm so happy I get to escort you across the stage tonight." I lay my head on his shoulder and sigh, "Thanks Joshy, you're the best."

He squeezes me again, and smiles, "Now you ready to be the best Katherine that there's ever been?" I grin, "I don't know about that, but I'll try my best." Josh shakes his head, but he's still smiling, "That's kinda the spirit."

He slings his arm around my shoulders, and we walk outside. Jordan's riding his airboard around, and he waves us over. "Hey, lovebirds, over here!" He exclaims.

I remove Josh's arm from my shoulder, and hide my face, "Jordan, shut up! We're not dating, and you know that." He smiles, "Yeah I know. B, I heard you're going on for Mo tonight. Rock it girl!"

I playfully shove him off of his toy, and jump on his back, "Thanks Jordan, but you know, you really shouldn't be cheering me on, since Mo's your girlfriend." He shakes his head, "Okay, I deserve that one. Just please get off of me." I nod, "Okay, since we're even."

I have to go run lines with Joey and Stephen for a couple scenes, so I go do that for about an hour. Then it's almost showtime.

"Ben, what if I can't do this?" I ask, as I'm situating my wig. "Trust me, you've got this. They're going to love you," he says, locking his eyes on mine. "I'm still nervous," I sigh. He nods, "It's okay Belle, you just have pre-show jitters, everybody gets them."

Ben calms me down, and I get in my place for Carrying The Banner. Josh links his arm in mine and smiles, "Katherine, my lady, it's showtime."

Sorry this is kinda short and all over the place. So many cast members are leaving, and I have to slowly take them out of the story. Mike's still in this one because its been half written for a while. But I hope you all enjoyed the chapter, and had a yourselves a merry little Christmas!

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