Chapter 7

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Faith's POV:
We both jumped out of the car and ran inside. Tim was first and we saw Gracie lying down and trying to tell Danny to stop, he was about to hit her... again...
"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE?!" Tim yelled and threw the kid away. I ran to Gracie and held her close to me. "Are you in pain, baby?" I asked her and she nodded. My heart is breaking. "DO NOT EVER TOUCH MY DAUGHTER LIKE THAT. YOU HEAR ME?!?!" Tim screamed at Danny. He was punching him over and over again. "Baby, don't that!! Let the cops deal with him, I'll call." I said and reached for Gracie's phone. "No, please don't call them!!" Danny said. "Faith, call." Tim said and stopped. "We're not gonna let you get away with this." I called them and they came to us about 15 minutes later with an ambulance to take Gracie to the hospital, I'm pretty sure her arm is broken. "Mom, I'm so sorry for not helping you and not being around when you needed me the most." Gracie said and I kissed her head and told her it was okay. I heard Samuel cry upstairs, the girls probably too scared to come down even though the police is here. "Mom, go upstairs." Gracie said. "I'm not leaving you." I said and held her other hand. "Baby, you go to the girls and I'll go with Gracie." Tim said and walked to us. "Okay. I love you." I said and kissed Gracie's forehead. I ran upstairs to the nursery and saw that Maggie was trying to calm Samuel down but he was screaming. All of my babies were crying. "Mama!!" Audrey said and ran to me, I hugged her and looked at Maggie. "Here, let me take him." I said and took him from her, I calmed him down and laid him down in his crib. I looked at my girls, Maggie was holding Audrey, still crying. I walked to them and held them tight. "I was so scared." Audrey cried. "I know, baby. I'm so sorry we weren't here to help you, I'm sorry you had to do everything on your own." I said and held back my tears. I can't cry, not now. Audrey yawned and looked at me. "I'm tired but I'm scared..." She said and wiped her tears. "It's okay, baby. No one will hurt you. Go brush your teeth and I'll come to you later." She nodded and walked away, Maggie was still crying her eyes out but she was trying to hide it. "Don't hide your tears, baby." I said and hugged her. "Is Gracie okay?" She asked. "Yes, she'll be fine." I said and kissed her head. "You're such a good sister, you know that? You took care of your siblings and you always make sure they're okay. I'm proud of you." I looked in her beautiful eyes and moved her hair from her face. She just cried to my chest. "Let's go to my bed and take a nap. Your dad will wake us up when he comes back." I said and we walked to my room. Audrey was already lying there. "Can I sleep here, please?" Audrey said and wiped some of her tears. "You can until your dad comes." I laid there with Audrey on my right side and Maggie on the left, they fell asleep quickly in my arms. About an hour later Tim and Gracie came in. "Her hand is broken and she's all covered in bruises." Tim said, I saw that he was very upset. I woke the girls up and they both went to their rooms then Tim laid down and faced the opposite direction. I moved closer to him and held him close to me. "Are you okay?" I asked him and he held my hand. "I should've had my phone in my pocket." He said. "Baby, do not blame yourself for this. We wanted to have a little time to ourselves. What's done is done and there is nothing we can do but protect our family." I said and kissed the back of his head. "You're right, baby. I can't think like this." He said and turned around. "I'm always right, baby. I thought you knew that by now." I said and smiled at him. "Shut up." He laughed and kissed my lips. "Let's sleep." I said. "Um, baby can you hold me?" He said and looked in my eyes. His eyes melt me, his eyes are so beautiful. He put his head to my chest and I put my fingers in his hair then we both fell asleep.

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