Chapter 14

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A/N: So my friend finished reading Neverseen and she was freaking out. She texted me in all caps and was like "No I hate this book WHYYY." It was like our roles were reversed. So that cracked me up. Anyway, this chapter is mostly a romantic filler. But yay!

"So how was your date?" Biana asked, the minute Sophie and Fitz walked through the door. But after scanning Sophie's dirt covered dress and Fitz's crooked tie, they had bigger questions.

Mrs. Messenger walked up to Sophie and carefully pried the black purse from her trembling hands and placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder.

"What happened?" she asked, brushing some dirt off of the red strap.

But Sophie's shaking arms and Fitz's wide, fearful eyes were more than enough for Keefe and Dex to know what was going on.

"It's the Neverseen," they concluded at the same time.

Keefe stared at both of them with worried eyes. "But, seriously. Are you guys okay?"

Sophie gave him an unconvincing nod, but then clenched her fists by her side. "I think it's time we go to the Black Swan," she replied, the determination evident in her voice. "I'm sorry Mrs. Messenger, but we can't stay here much longer."

Mrs. Messenger nodded. "I understand."

"We'll be leaving in the morning," Biana suggested. But, Fitz shook his head.

"When are we going to pack?" he asked. "We can't just leave all of a sudden without packing."

"We did it just a few days ago," Biana reasoned.

"Yeah but we have a bunch more stuff," Fitz argued, giving Sophie's dress a pointed look. "How about tomorrow night?"

Before either side could pose anymore arguments, Sophie held out her hand. "Fitz has a point," she agreed. "We do have way more stuff. But we also have to get a move on. So let's compromise. Tomorrow afternoon."

The other four elves nodded in agreement. Rubbing his eyes, Dex yawned and Keefe followed suit. Soon enough, all five elves were making their way upstairs to go have a good night's sleep.

But when Sophie was changing into her pajamas, she heard Biana's voice outside the bathroom.

"How was the date?" she asked tentatively.

Sophie tied her hair up into a ponytail and opened the door, a wide smile on her face. "Amazing," she breathed. "Besides the Neverseen, it was honestly the most perfect first date." She would have gone on further, but she doubted that Biana wanted to hear her talk about her own brother.

Nonetheless, Biana smiled. "What did you guys do?"

Sophie shrugged. "We ate and talked, I guess. I mean, it doesn't sound like much, but Fitz... He's amazing."

Biana laughed. "Of course," she acknowledged. "Can you believe we're leaving tomorrow?"

"No way," Sophie agreed, plopping down on the bed. "I guess I do kind of miss the human world, besides its imperfections. It's still where I grew up, and it's not that bad."

Biana pulled the covers over her and Sophie. Yawning, she replied, "No. It definitely isn't."


Sophie woke up to the sound of rustling fabric, followed by a high pitched scream.

"Ow ow ow!" shouted Biana, clutching her toe and hopping on one foot. "This backpack... Ow!"

Sophie squinted at the bright light and rolled over to see Biana packing. But her heavy backpack had fallen on her foot. Despite Biana's obvious distress, Sophie had to stifle a laugh.

"You seem to be having some problems there," she observed, giggling slightly at Biana's misfortune.

Biana dropped her foot and glared at Sophie. "At least I've begun packing, Miss I'm-going-to-sleep-in-until-the-last-minute."

Sophie groaned and rubbed her eyes, extremely aware of the pain in her legs. "You try walking around the city all day and running from the Neverseen," she countered. "Not easy. And it requires a lot of sleep the next day."

Biana laughed and threw a pillow at Sophie. "Well, as you're awake now, can you pass me my tunic?"

Flipping over the bed and picking up the tunic, Sophie began walking to the bathroom, throwing it behind her. From Biana's muffled squeal, she guessed it must have landed on her head. She held a finger up and teased, "Point Sophie!" as she picked up her clothes from the hamper.

Soon, she had all her clothes packed. Looking down at her grumbling stomach, she finally gave in and raced downstairs.

"Do we have any breakfast?" she called loudly, running into the kitchen. As she neared the stove, she ran into Fitz. Literally.

"Woah there," he exclaimed in surprise. "You seem to be in a rush."

Sophie's face warmed as she looked at the floor and muttered, "I'm hungry."

Fitz laughed and held out the untouched bagel in his plate. "Here, you can have it. I'll get some cereal or something," he offered. "Besides, I'm not that hungry." Still, his stomach gave an unconvincing rumble.

Sophie grinned and shook her head. "No way," she refused. "I'll take the cereal."

She walked over to the cabinet and reached for the box, but her fingertips were centimeters away from touching it, even when she was on her tip-toes. "I can't reach it," she groaned, annoyed.

Fitz bit back a laugh as he stood behind her and easily grabbed the box. He was nearly a head taller than her, but to Sophie, it felt towering. Still laughing he handed it to her.

"Can save the whole elvin world, but can't reach a cereal box?" he teased.

Sophie rolled her eyes and lightly punched his arm. "It's not my fault that the Black Swan didn't give me some super height genes or something."

"You're still amazing," Fitz consoled, wrapping his arms around her, causing Sophie to practically melt.

"Ooh are we teasing Foster about being short?" a familiar voice called. "Because that's fun."

At the sound of all their racket, Keefe and Biana had apparently woken up and come down. Both of them walked into the kitchen, looking perfectly ready, while still in their pajamas.

"Aw man we're too late," Keefe groaned, spotting Sophie and Fitz hugging. "It's the Sophitz reunion." He mimed gagging.

Biana smacked his arm. "Let them have their moments," she chided. "They're pretty cute anyway."

That broke them apart faster than Keefe could say "Sophitz" again.

"Yeah nope okay we're done," Fitz stammered, grabbing his bagel and walking to the TV room, his face a bright red, leaving Sophie to endure Biana and Keefe's laughter.

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