When You Get Hurt

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[this will be minor 'injury', comment if you actually want some fatal or big thinger like that. ] Sorry that I ditched this for like 2 months.... Buuuuut I promise I'll write more. [isn't that what you said 2 months ago?] Don't listen to random parentheses. Ok, now begin!
(Sorry if some are longer than others! I tried hard since I hadn't written in so long!)


You were walking alongside Green one evening after what seemed like a longer day. "So that's I guess what I did, how was it at your place?" Green asked you.

"It was fine." You smiled. "I did almost nothing useful except walk like this maybe. This is probably the most active part of my day here." You laughed slightly.

"Well sometimes doing nothing is great." Green suggested. "Yeah I guess so-" You forgot to watch your step and tripped over a very unfortunately placed rock. "Oww!" You yelped before falling.

"Are you okay?!" Green asked quickly kneeling beside you. "Yeah, I-I'm fine." You breathed, biting your tongue.

"It's fine to say it hurts." Greens eyebrows furrowed slightly. "Mmmhm. It really is nothing." You pushed yourself up as Green stood, your foot just hurt a little.

You swayed and Green caught you quickly, his arms under yours. "You must have twisted your ankle, or something like that." You struggled a bit in his arms, "Let me go I'm fine!" You protested.

Green continued to sweep your legs from under you and hold you bridal style. "No. I can carry you to my place."

You sighed in defeat. "Okay okay, but just this once." And as he said, he carried you to his house and let you sit on his bed.

"You need an ice pack or something?"Green asked, and you started to get annoyed.

"Green for the last time, I am fine!!!!!" You half scolded him. "Okay calm down there. I'll kind of leave you alone." He responded

"Kind of?" You questioned, before he got onto the bed beside you. "Yep. I won't bug you but I get to lay by you as long as I'd like." He smirked, knowing you wouldn't want to move because of you foot.

"....k. Stick to your word than."


You were outside training with Blue again, and after he had shown you some techniques you decided just to spar with him. "(Y/N)...Don't move... So quickly." Blue muttered trying to find someway to get past your constant dodging.

You moved to the right as he came in from the left, and you didn't pull up your sword quick enough. He ended up nicking your side before he pulled back quickly. "Yowch!" You said backing up.

"Hh! Are you okay? I didn't mean to, oh gosh..." Blue sputtered quite a bit, staring at the blood on your side. "It doesn't hurt that bad," You replied, holding a hand to the deep scrape. There was a lot more blood than what seemed reasonable.

"I'm gonna run to grab a bandage do not move." Blue demanded the last part, before running off to wherever. Probably his house.

You kept your hand firmly to your side despite the stinging, and settled down in the grass. Feeling the heat of the liquids, you winced. It really wasn't that bad, just too much blood.

In the next minute or so, Blue returned with one of the longer bandage rolls, and knelt by you. "How are you hangin' in there?" He asked, removing your hand gently to place a cloth against it. His more evident gentleness surprised you.

"Just great. But really, it's fine." (How many times have I wrote that xD) You responded, helping out with the cloth, and dealing with the stinging perfectly. You weren't weak.

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