When He Gets Mad At You

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I promise I'll write more but for now ill finish this old draft. I've been heavily involved in marching band and totally forgot this even existed!! (Band peeps will understand my pain) Enjoy and expect more.


You lay on the couch, with a pillow and blanket and planned to sleep. There wasn't much to do, and you were dang tired. You'd only been asleep about half an hour before Green came home.

You heard the door shut and slowly awoke to hearing his boots hit the floor. "Home." He mumbled just loud enough so you could hear. Setting down his items he found his way to the couch and stood before you.

"I'm making dinner, what do you want?" He asked as you shrugged. "Not hungry."

Green's eyebrows furrowed but he didn't go any further. "K, maybe you will be later."

He left to the kitchen and hearing the clatter of dishes you knew he was making something. You couldn't tell why you weren't hungry, you just were not hungry.

Attempting to sleep once more, you did get twenty minutes in. Green tapped you though, and spoke once more. "I made somethin', so why don't you get up."

"Not hungry." You mumbled, and turned away.

"Before I left, you did not eat this morning. Now you won't eat. Did you eat lunch?"

"...no." You couldn't really lie.

"That's not healthy! Get up, at least eat something."

You felt yourself getting frustrated, it didn't effect him if you didn't eat! "No, don't make me. I'm fine, just not hungry."

"Don't tell me your doing this 'cuz you girls have something against eating, because you think it makes you 'fat' or somethin'. Whatever you think, it's not true so get up." Green almost barked at you. You twitched, that was an invalid reason for why you weren't eating. And something must have him on edge from earlier.

"Excuse me, but what makes you believe that's the reason! I'm just not hungry! Nothing against you or your cooking now, but get over it!" You replied, trying not to raise your voice too much. "And that anyways is rude, so now I definitely am not gonna eat. Even if I was hungry."

You couldn't hold back the last comment, it slipped out unintentionally. Green huffed loudly, and ran his hand through his hair. "Whatever. But later you are going to eat you hear me?"

"Yes mother." You glared at him, and pulled the blanket over your head. "Now go away."

You couldn't see, but he rolled his eyes and left quietly.


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