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Later in the years Joseph went to see his grandson Jotaro. He still had a huge fear that one day Caesar was going to throw a hammer at him.

But anyways you know the deal Holly got sick and the gay crusaders went to kill Dio.

Joseph laid awake at night thinking about that hammer (obviously not his dying daughter). He knew Jotaro would have to get hit by the hammer too. Because, well, Jotaro was very very very gay. Therefore Jotaro's gay ass would be beaten by Caesar's hammer.

"Mr. Joestar why are you not asleep?" Asked Abdul (in a very sexy way).

Joseph responded (not as sexy) " I'm thinking about my ex-boyfriend's hammer."

Abdul thought that was slang for dick and decided not to talk to him for the rest of the night.

That night Joseph had a dream. Caesar was in it.

"Jojo." He whispered "I know what you did."

"No Caesar anything but the hammer."

"I'm sorry it has to be this way, but you promised."

"Shiza noooo! Not Jotaro!!!!"

Caesar said " Fcuk uou." Then went away.

Joseph couldn't sleep for the rest of the night.

My heart is dead (and so is Caesar)Where stories live. Discover now