Tricia and Trina, Polo and Vinz

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Trina's POV

"Mum! Please! Please don't leave me! Please don't leave me..." I cried and cried and cried as she slowly...

"CUT! No... No... NO! That is NOT how it's supposed to go! Marvin... Why didn't you go? It was YOUR scene too! And Tricia! You were supposed to be amazing! What's with the... URRG.. Your crying! I didn't FEEL it." The director screamed and screamed (mostly at me). I just frowned. I'm used to his complaints.

Polly, my best friend, walked up to me and gave me my favorite drink, chocolate milk.

"Thanks." I said.

"No problem. I know you love chocolate milk." I smiled at her.



"I don't understand why he hates you so much. You were absolutely amazing! Your crying was fantastic. I don't see why he's got a problem." She crossed her arms and pouted.

"I guess it's 'coz I'm just not good enough," I started to sip my drink, "I guess it's 'coz I'm not like Emma Watson, Sandra Bullock or Angelina Jolie. I guess it's 'coz I'm just an ordinary Joe."

Polly laughed as we started to walk.

"You've got to be kidding me? You're Tricia! Tricia Rockwell, the most amazing, fashionable," I laughed as she started saying such nice words about me, "beautiful, fantastic and not to mention hot teen star in the whole universe!" I laughed even more when she mentioned "hot", but then I started to become serious when I was about to answer back.

"That's not me and you know that. That's Tricia Rockwell, not Trina Montez." Polly crossed her arms again.

"They're the same person! Just with.. different names."

I sighed.

"They're completely different. Tricia is an amazing person who's at the top of her career, with amazing fans and friends who are in showbiz as well. But Trina is just an ordinary girl who has such an amazing friend named Polly." I smiled as Polly blushed a little bit by what I said. But then she got serious.

"Trina.. Don't you like your career?" I looked down at the floor then at her.

"Don't get me wrong. I love my job. Acting's a big part of me. The only thing I want, is to be in showbiz as Anna Maria Katrina Montez.. and not as Tricia Cathy Rockwell."

"Don't worry Trina. Someday. Maybe you'll be able to make your dream come true someday." I sighed once more.

"I wish I could Polly. I wish I could." I whispered.

"Ms. Rockwell. The director needs you at set. He's furious already!" Marx, my personal assistant, said. Polly and I just looked at each other.

"Ok, ok. Just chillax. I got this." I said as I handed Polly my chocolate milk drink, then I ran to the set and left Polly and Marx.

"TRICIA! ACT!" The director shouted when I arrived. And so he wouldn't get even more mad, I started to act.

"Mum! Please! Please don't leave me! Please don't leave me..." And so I cried and cried and cried as Angelica, my co-worker, started to act like she was dying.

Marvin, an extra for the film, came up to my side and said his lines.

"And CUT! Perfect, perfect, PERFECT!" The director said with joy. And so I smiled at Angelica and Marvin who gave me a thumbs up.

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