Meet Willow

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Trina's POV

It's a Saturday again. I woke up early because I needed to go to the set already.

According to Marx, they needed me a lot. I was the protagonist of the story, not to be arrogant or anything, well I'm not trying to be anyway. The only person who really is trying to be arrogant, I mean really is arrogant, is Willow. Willow Scarlett.

She's the same age as me, 15, but she's the exact opposite of me. She's the antagonist of my life and of the movie I'm shooting. She's really good at being mean... it's probably why she got the role as the person who tries to ruin my character's life in the movie. Because she always tries to ruin my life, but never succeeds. I mean seriously. That girl has probably tried a hundred times just to ruin my reputation, but of course, like I said. she never succeeds. I don't know why she can't, but it's probably because evilness never wins against goodness.

And speaking of Willow, she's coming right here, right now to greet me.

"Why hello to the star of the show... Tricia Rockwell." She said in a sarcastic voice.

"If you're coming here to insult me Willow, I don't want to hear it." I then walked away from her but she chased me. Well she tried to, but Marx wouldn't let her. Gee, it's a good thing I have Marx by my side. The only sad thing was that Polly couldn't come. She said she had to do her homework and study for that test we were going to have on Monday. Which I'm... going to have to study about later. I think it was math or something? Pfff... Well whatever it is I can just ask Polly later. Anyway, back to Willow.

"Hey! I'm not done with you just yet!" She said.

"But I am. So please. Just leave me alone."

"Pfff... Someday I'm going to get you Tricia! Someday!" She shouted.

I just giggled a little bit because she said that for like the 1000th time. So it's pretty normal for me.

"Why does she hate you so much Ms. Rockwell?" Marx asked, running towards me from behind.

"Hmm... I don't really know." Actually come to think about it.. I don't know why she hates me so much. I mean, I've always been so kind to her when I first entered showbiz. But ever since that time I entered this children's show when I was like 6, she has always hated me. But to be honest, we were such good friends when we were 4 years old. I don't know what happened.

"Oh ok..." Marx just said. And I just nodded. Hmm... I wonder why she hates me so much.

"Tricia! I am so happy to see you!" The director said, but I don't really believe it. Maybe he just wants to yell at me over and over again. But then again, it's nice seeing him with a happy attitude.

"I'm so happy to see you too Bob." I smiled. Yep his name was Bob. Pretty cool, huh? Hahahaha. Well... hmm... I'll admit. Bob is kind of cool. Well he is cool. But he'd be much more cooler if he wasn't stressed all the time.

"Yeah... That's nice..."

I knew it was too good to be true... because Bob just went back to his normal attitude.

"Now go back on set! We have a scene to shoot! Hurry up! Chop, chop, chop!" He said.

Instead of following him though, I just looked around.

"I am on set." I said.

He stared at me with scary eyes.

"Just go!" He said and so I just followed.

And it turned out I was shooting a scene with Willow today... grrrr...

"Hi Tricia." She had to emphasize "Tricia". Boy is she mad at me.

"Why hello, Willow," I said emphasizing "Willow".

"Yeah... pfff... okay." She said blowing her baby hair away from her face.

"Okay everyone! Let's start! In 5... 4... 3... 2... 1... ACTION!"

And so we started acting.

"Awww... Is little Mara having such a hard time?"

"I know what you did to my mother Clara!" I shouted.

"Oh really? Then what do you know?!" She said as she grabbed my hair and pulled it. Don't worry, it's actually part of the act.

But I got surprised because she did something that wasn't supposed to happen in the scene, so the director had to cut it.

"Willow! What on earth is going on?" Bob shouted.

"I was just trying to make it more realistic!" Willow shouted...

"I don't need you to make it more realistic!"

"Then what do you need me to do?" She shouted with arms crossed.

"I need you to follow the script!"

"Whatever!" She shouted, still with arms crossed. Then she walked out of the set. So Bob and the staff had to get her.

Crazy... Imagine. This happens every single time I shoot with Willow. Every. Single. Time.

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