Just Ask Chaos

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See I told you! I know short last couple chapters, but I felt that needed to be separate. 

Third Person POV

With the Volturi, Nyx, and the monsters gone the rest came to stand around Seth, Leah, and Percy. So distraught by his sister's upcoming death Seth shifted back, not caring that he was naked.

"Can't you fix her," he pleaded with Percy. "You're a god right, you should be able to heal her!" Percy looked to him with tears in his eyes.

"I can't," his voice trembled with grief as he knew Leah only had moments left in this world. "I am too drained from the fight that I can't.

"If you cannot do something, maybe you should call for help young one," a deep masculine voce was heard. A tall man appeared beside Percy. This man was dressed in jeans and a turtle neck.

"Lord Chaos," Percy said. Chaos looked at Percy and gave him a smile. Chaos turned to Leah and his hand on her head. She was surrounded by silver and black light. Once it dissipated Leah was left in her human form, dressed. All evidence, including the blood that had been soaking into the ground, gone. Chaos turned to Percy.

"There is no shame in asking for help every once and a while young one." Before Percy could say anything, Leah stirred. Her eyes fluttered open and immediately found Percy's.

"Percy?" Her voice was quiet. The last thing she knew she was pushing Seth out of the way from a flying knife and then dying on the ground. Her last thoughts of Seth and Percy. Happy that she was the fastest shifter and was able to make it to Seth. Upset about her death because she knew what it would do to Percy, it would probably make him go insane.

"Leah," Percy croaked out, relieved to see her safe and awake. He helped her sit up and then hugged her. To everyone's, but Leah and Chaos, surprise Percy started to cry. "I was so scared, I thought I lost you too." Leah rubbed his back.

"I'm not going anywhere." After a moment to let out his emotions, Percy stopped crying and turned to Chaos.

"Thank you Chaos. I am sorry I called you heartless last we met." Chaos chuckled.

"No need to thank me, I owe you more than this. There is also no need to be sorry, I understand why you didn't want to be made immortal and you thought it unfair after all you have been through. I should be the one that is sorry that you had to deal with another one of my children, that she almost took Leah from you."

"I didn't want it to come to that," Percy told him. Chaos gave him a remorseful look.

"I know, you warned her to back off. Like Gaea it was not your fault. Just please be careful with your new powers. I know they haven't settled in yet, but when they do it might be overwhelming. After all Nyx was the eldest of my children." As the two talked everyone, including Leah, was confused. Who was this new person? He felt ancient and powerful.

"I am sorry to intervene, but can I ask who are you," Carlisle asked politely. Chaos just smiled at him.

"Ah yes Carlisle, the one that changed my daughter's creatures in a good way. I am Chaos, the creator of the universe. Now everyone, but Percy was utterly shocked, even the shifters were frozen by the reveal.

"He is the one that gave me my abilities and made me a god," Percy commented. Chaos looked to Percy.

"Well I have things to do, a universe to run and an army to command, if you ever change your mind about becoming my commander let me know." Chaos stood from where he had knelt to reach Leah. "Oh yeah, I also changed Leah. She is no longer a shifter per say. She is the goddess of shifters therefore she can still shift, but she has the powers and immortality of a goddess. This should help you so no further accidents happen. Also when Zeus throws a fit tell him if he has a problem come and address me." With that he disappeared and everyone turned to Leah as she stared at Percy.

"What did he just say," she asked Percy.

"Uh, it turns out that he wants you immortal forever so he turned you into a goddess. You are now higher rank than both Sam and Jacob. You are what we call a Patron to them. They are now in your domain, plus all different types of shifters, though werewolves don't count and trust me you don't want them to."

"He said he was the creator of the universe," Carlisle finally commented on something else. Percy shrugged.

"Yeah different folks different strokes. He told me that he basically whatever higher being that people believe in. So like Allah, God, well you get the picture. Anyway I suggest that we burn the vampires and then respect our dead."

So that's what they did. All talk dropped about Leah and Chaos for the moment. All would be answered later. 

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