Chapter 10: PG-13 rom-com material

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A/N: IDK IF I SHOULD PUT AN EXPLICIT WARNING??? (also apologies for any typos)




"Tell me if you want me to stop."

She's lost count of how many times those words have been said to her at this moment. She isn't sure if it's because of the same repetitive answer or the fact that her mind has turned fuzzy.

She feels a warm wet tongue at the place where her shoulder and neck meet. It slides and flicks in a dangerous rhythm that make her head spin. And then she feels the sharp contrast of teeth scraping against her sensitive flesh. A low moan tumbles from lips like a broken plea. Her grip against soft fabric tightens until she feels the t-shirt material bunch in her curled fingertips.

Heat floods her thrumming body as she feels the sharp sensation of teeth closing around her skin. She tilts her head back further as if in a weak attempt to meld into the soft pillow beneath her. Or at least to balance the twisted mush encapsulating her mind.

She feels hands trail up her side, pushing her own t-shirt up each time a heated palm cups her waist. Nails drag against her abdomen lightly, matching an unspoken pace to the bites against her skin. More added pressure and the nails graze her stomach with more purpose making another sound escape. Though this sound is almost coherent compared to the previous unintelligible moan. Her strained voice forms a name, lips moving in a pattern she's familiar with even in this disheveled state.

"Lauren." It's a rasp that breaks when she feels lips move down the column of her neck, settling lazily on her left collarbone. Her hands loosen around fabric, and fall into denim back pockets. This action earns the first sound she hears besides her own huffing and moans.

"Fuck." It comes out as a hiss and then a groan. It's a low and husky voice, and Camila decides then this is one of her favorite sounds.

The biting relents, and all she feels is hot breath against her wet collarbone. A body arches into hers, fitting snugly despite the fact that all Camila wants to do is rip the barrier of clothes off.

The weight above her is relieved slightly, and a face comes into view. Dark green eyes glower down at her through half covered eyelids.

Something stirs within her. Something deeper than the arousal simmering in her core. It flourishes in her chest, which becomes a direct correspondence to the swelling of her heart.

The heavy green gaze is captivating, holding every bit of attention she can offer in this state. She feels vulnerable, naked beneath the piercing stare. And for once she doesn't mind it. She doesn't mind it at all.

Lauren has always had that power over her anyway. She's not really sure why she's surprised with it now.

Lauren's eyes darken Camila would be more focused on the blown out pupils if she weren't so distracted with the hand brushing against her abdomen again, sinking lower, and tugging at her belt loops.

And then Lauren's face moves closer as if she's going to kiss Camila, but her lips press against her cheek. The soft mouth moves along Camila's flushed face, lowering to trace her jawline. Lips part and Camila feels the familiar warm, wet tongue and teeth upon her skin again. She shivers at the touch, despite her body feeling like it's on fire.

Lauren is at her ear before she realizes it.

"Do you want me to stop?" Hot, bated breath beats against the shell of her ear.

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