Chapter 15: the page is double sided...b*tch

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sorry for any typos :)




There really isn't a point to sneaking Lauren inside her room because her mother lingers behind them every step of the way. Not that there would be any reason for sneaking around, Camila thinks feebly. She didn't bring Lauren inside her room to start anything... like that.

As if reading her mind, Dinah shoots her an annoying smirk that she chooses to firmly ignore.

Her mother seems to share the same thought, considering she hasn't moved an inch from her position near the doorway.

She eyes them both skeptically. And Camila almost has half a mind to tell her she and Lauren were going to have a marathon of hot, wild sex right under her roof. But Camila's lips remain shut.

"The doors stay open," her mom finally warns as she backs away from it cautiously.

Camila's gaze narrows. She waits until her mother is out of her line of sight, before moving to close the door with a loud snap.

Camila almost expects her to come running back, but when the door remains shuts, Camila lets out a relieved sigh.

She locks it for good measure.

When she turns around she finds Lauren standing awkwardly in the middle of her room, shifting her weight between her feet, looking beyond uncomfortable.

It's such a stark difference to the last time she was in here. They were on the precipice of at least some form of intimacy.

The last time Lauren was in here all she did was sleep in your bed, you loser.

She catches Lauren glance at the bed as if she, too, is remembering the night she spent in this room. Camila feels a slow blush begin to spread.

"You probably should've left the door open," Lauren mutters offhandedly. She runs a nervous hand through her hair, letting the long locks tumble over her left shoulder. Camila becomes distracted with the action that she doesn't answer. "Did you really tell your parents we were dating?"

"What?" Camila asks abruptly, eyes snapping to meet Lauren's uncertain expression. Green eyes dart away.

"You said – a while back – you said you told your dad that we were – uh – you know... dating."

"I was only kidding," Camila responds indignantly. "Of course I didn't tell them that."

She scrutinizes Lauren. The way she refuses to meet her eyes and the way she keeps fidgeting with her hair. "My mom didn't give you a hard time, did she?"

Lauren's silence is telling.

"Oh god," Camila groans.

"It wasn't bad I swear," Lauren defends hastily.

Camila scowls. The prior resentment towards her parents simmers testily.

Lauren steps closer as if noticing her sour expression.

"Honestly, it's fine. My parents probably would've done the same thing if they weren't-" Lauren stops herself mid sentence. Something passes over her expression that captures Camila's attention. Something she can't easily discern.  It's even more frustrating when Lauren averts her eyes.

The atmosphere becomes stifling. The little spark of motivation Camila felt slowly melts into anxiety.

"Wow, this talk is so amazing. I can't believe you guys made everything so crystal clear. Relationship goals," Dinah comments, clapping her hands.

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