Chapter 14: but you're a flyer, not a faller

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Camila shifts in her chair. The sharp sound of the barely cracking cushion seat accompanies the running stream from the waterfall decoration on the table stand.

Camila's eyes dart toward the waterfall, feeling her hands curl against the edge of the seat. It makes the squeak of the cushion louder. More deafening.

She shifts again, trying to find some sort of comfort in the empty doctor's office. The receptionist went off to break about five minutes ago.

For once she had convinced her mother to drop her off alone for her weekly sessions with Dr. Abernathy.

Camila leans back, slumping against the hard cushion, as thoughts from this morning filter into her head.

Breakfast in the Cabello household became less of memory occurring a mere half hour ago and more like a dizzying, dragged out nightmare.

The morning had started off simple enough. Her mom made breakfast for both of her daughters.

Her sister had mostly brushed off Camila's almost desperate attempts at conversation. Which was something that, to Camila's despair, was beginning to seem like the new norm in their relationship.

It wasn't until Sofi heard that Camila had an appointment today that things just kind of spiraled down south.

Sofi had broken a dish, locked herself in her room for an hour, refusing to let anyone inside. After several threats from their mother, Sofi finally budged, but not without sulking the whole way over.

Camila frowns, trying to think of something else. Her eyes then drift towards the waterfall again. But the splashing noise immediately gets disrupted by the buzzing going off in Camila's pocket.

The frown turns into a grimace at the sound. She moves her hand over the outline of her phone in her pocket, trying to stifle the vibration.

So much for distractions.

Maybe this was karma, Camila thinks helplessly. Maybe it's for her inability to interact with anyone anymore. Maybe it's what she deserves for how stupidly she behaved at that concert.

Camila's eyes trail back down towards her phone. She pulls it out of her pocket. The notification bubble flickers on her display as if sensing her attention.

Camila feels another sigh roll out as the situation between the two of them unravels in her head. It's something she's tried not to think about since yesterday. Another dejected huff threatens to fall out of her mouth at the thought.

"If you sigh again, the receptionist is gonna start thinking you have a breathing problem," Dinah's voice breaks through her bout of self-loathing.

Dinah tilts her head in the direction of the lady behind the desk before them. Camila glances up to the lady in question (who has finally returned from her break) and notices her peering over the desk with narrowed eyes. But once she catches Camila's gaze the receptionist quickly shuffles back to her computer.

She only waits a few more minutes before Abernathy is ready to see her.



It doesn't take long for the incessant vibrating to become more than just a minor annoyance.

Camila feels her phone buzz in her pocket again. An unsettling reminder of what she had been avoiding since yesterday. Mortification simmers in her system as she abruptly remembers that night in very detailed, steamy flashes.

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