Chapter 5

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Marinette tapped her pencil lightly against her notebook. Could fashion designers have writer's block? Designer's block?

Whatever the case, she couldn't come up with anything new, and she didn't know how to get out of...whatever it was.

She stared at the blank page until a tiny, fluttering snowflake landed at the top of it. A smile spread across her face. Snow, huh? Yeah, Christmas is definitely coming soon. She stood up slowly, turning her gaze to the sky to watch the sprinkling snow scatter everywhere, and dust the landscape with white.

She turned to walk back down to her room, when suddenly she heard someone land on the roof behind her.

"Going already, princess? But I've just arrived!"

Marinette snorted, muffling a choking sound behind her wrist. "Hey, kitty cat. Now to what do I owe the pleasure?"

"I come here every other day, what are you talking about?" Marinette laughed again, turning back to him.

"I know, silly." She walked towards him, sketchbook still in hand, and stood face-to-face with him. "What's up? How's fighting?"

"Ah, nothing really. Akuma attacks get really infrequent until the holidays, but patrols are fine as ever." He sat against the railing. "My regular life is great, my studies are fine. My friend is great."

"Friend in your regular life?" Marinette questioned. "Not Ladybug? You don't talk much about your regular life."

"Ah, yeah," He flushed slightly. "I'm not fond of my regular life. I feel controlled and stuff, I don't want to bring it into my superhero life." Marinette looked at him sadly.

"I'm sorry, Chat." She sat next to him. It had been several weeks since he had started visiting her. They talked a lot, and she had found a real friend in him.

Unfortunately, she had to monitor her words to ensure he didn't realize she was Ladybug.

"And you, princess? A little birdie told me you're not too happy at school." Marinette stiffened.Who is this little birdie exactly? Does he know someone in my class? I really hope he doesn't know everything that happened because that was such a mess...

"Um...I don't know what you're talking about." Marinette chose to respond.

Chat raised an eyebrow. "It's the middle of the day on a Tuesday, meaning you would be at school if you weren't suspended. Are you lyingto me?"

Marinette pointedly looked at her feet. "N-No...I'm n-not...what are you talking about..."

"Marinette," She looked up at him. Chat pursed his lips and narrowed his eyes. "please don't lie to me."

Marinette glanced downwards, then back up. His serious expression dimmed the usual amused twinkle in his eyes. Her eyes filled with tears. "It's absolutely horrible." she whispered. "It was the worst. I hate Chloe Bourgeois so much."

Chat sighed and put an arm around her. "What happened?" Her calm façade fell.

"I w-was walking into class...she tripped m-me. She did it on purpose, I know now because she then spilled her c-coffee on me...and was so terrible, and I called her awful because it covered my s-sketchbook and a few of my designs...she got m-mad at me and of course her father is the mayor so I'm now suspended until tomorrow." She didn't cry, but her expression definitely showed she wanted to.

To his surprise, she just sighed. Chat bit his lip.

"Do you know why she would do that?"

"Because I was talking to Adrien," she explained. "Chloe thinks she can get anything she wants...and she wants Adrien. She hates me for talking to him, for opposing her and I just hate her selfish attitude."

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