Chapter 8

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Adrien had kind of drifted into thought, tuning out Alya and Nino arguing. Marinette was nervously giggling as they went on and on with their never-ending bickering.

He loved the time he had spent in Marinette's home. He wanted something like that. Yet when Marinette told him about choosing who your family is, he felt so silly for not thinking that way. After all, he had a family in Nino, who only wanted Adrien to be happy even when he just went with whatever his father told him. Nino cared, and Adrien cared about Nino.

Now, he couldn't help but think that he wanted Marinette and Alya in his chosen family as well.

"Dude, you okay?" Adrien turned to Nino, who was looking at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Uh, yeah. Yeah. Why?" Adrien had to restart his brain and remember how to speak.

"You're tuning us out, aren't you." Alya crossed her arms.

"Hey, you fight all you want. Let me know when you're done," Adrien remarked.

Marinette laughed. "You argue like an old married couple," she added with a mischievous grin.

Both of them stared at her with jaws dropped. "We do not!" they said simultaneously.

Marinette doubled over in laughter. "You just proved my point!" she cried.

Alya gave Nino a scathing look to which Nino stuck his tongue out. Adrien muffled his chortles behind his hand.

They finally reached the mall, noses and cheeks slightly red from the cold. Marinette immediately headed towards a gift store. "I'm going to buy some Christmas cards," she announced. "You guys can go wherever, I'll meet you later."

Adrien nodded. Alya followed her, but Nino came with him. "Where do you want to go?" Nino asked.

"Ah, I'm not sure. I need to get a few presents, and we could go to a clothing store since you have to buy stuff for your cousins." Adrien suggested.

They walked into a simple clothes store, where Nino looked for different gifts. Adrien made a mental list of presents he should get.

One for father, one for Nathalie, and something for Marinette. Oh and her parents. I should get things for Nino and Alya, he thought.And...maybe something for my Lady? He decided on a pair of earrings for Nathalie then payed for them, while Nino hurriedly payed for various gifts.

"I think I'm actually done," Nino noted. Adrien raised an eyebrow.

"That was fast."

"Yeah, I know. Hey let's go to that store Marinette went to! We can get cards."

Adrien nodded. They walked over, finding the girls paying and holding bags in their hands.

"Hey, we'll wait for you outside." Alya told them. The girls walked out. Adrien picked out a bunch of cards, and at the front, saw a few bracelets. He picked some up for Alya and Marinette's mom. He picked up a mug for Marinette's dad, and one for his own father.

I can't think of anything for Marinette or Nino...He sighed.

"You ready? I'm so glad I'm done," Nino told him with a relieved sigh. Adrien grinned at him.

"Yeah, let's move on. I think I only need two more things." Adrien replied. They walked out, finding Marinette and Alya. They were both scowling at each other with blushes painted over their faces.

"Uh...are you alright?" Adrien asked awkwardly.

"We're perfectly fine," Alya responded in a high-pitched voice. Marinette's blush darkened. They seemed to pout at each other.

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