Chapter 6

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" it okay that I invited Adrien for Christmas?"

Her mother gasped. "Adrien as in crush Adrien?"

Marinette groaned. "No...yes...that's not the point..."

"Why?" her father asked suspiciously.

"He's going to be alone for Christmas, with no family or friends. I felt really bad so I invited him...please, please, please?"

Her father sighed while her mother giggled. "Of course, sweetie. It'll be fun. Let's make extra cookies for him!"

Marinette giggled too. Oh, let me also get him a present!

The next morning, Marinette sat at her desk, looking through her notebook to study a little before class started. Pop quiz or not, she wanted to stay on top.

"Marinette? Can I talk to you?"

Marinette glanced up, where Adrien stood. "O-Oh, sure. What's up?" He gestured for her to come with him. She quickly stood up and followed him out of the classroom. He leaned against the wall by the door.

"Why didn't you tell me? he asked. His eyes were sad, but he spoke gently. Marinette looked at him questioningly. He pulled his scarf out of his bag and straightened out one end. Unfolding a little pocket, he gestured to her name, which was stitched into the seam.

Marinette laughed nervously, a hand behind her neck. "U-Um...I..." She winced. "Please don't be mad at me..."

Adrien sighed. "I'm not...mad. should've told me. It wouldn't really have surprised me, my dad tends to forget my birthday anyway."

Marinette bit her lip. "But you looked so...happy. I couldn't bear it if you were upset after seeing you so happy..."

Adrien's expression morphed into one of surprise. "O-Oh?"

Marinette glanced downwards. She flushed slightly. I'm so weird...

"I'm not used to being cared for. It's pretty nice." Marinette turned back to him. His cheeks were dusted with pink and his smile was thankful. Marinette felt her face burn.

"O-Of course, Adrien."

They walked back inside. A thought occurred to Marinette. What prompted to look for clues like that anyway? It was well hidden...

Her eyes widened in surprise. Is Adrien the one Chat talks to all the time?! That would explain why Chat got so startled when I admitted to liking Adrien... Her jaw dropped in horror. Oh no...don't tell me Chat told Adrien... She muffled an embarrassed groan between her lips.

I need to talk to Adrien.

Marinette packed up her things and hurried to her locker. Please tell me he hasn't left yet...

Sure enough, he stood by his own locker, talking to Nino. Nino waved and alked away as Adrien closed his locker.

"A-Adrien! Can I talk to you?" Marinette asked, rushing towards him. He turned and nodded. She stopped quickly, trying to calm herself and not absolutely flip out that her crush may know about said crush.

"Are you alright? You look like you have a fever." He placed a hand on her forehead. "You're burning up! Do you have a headache?"

Marinette stiffened and moved away. "Oh, n-no. I'm fine, no. It's just..." She glanced away, then back at him. " you talk to Chat Noir?"

Adrien looked astonished, or more accurately, like a deer caught in the headlights of a car. "Uh...I...why?"

Marinette paused, and made a dramatic point of looking around. "Because I've been talking to him, also. I just...I was curious because it seemed like you may have..."

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