Pheniox pov

I got a phone call while making a video.

Hello I said.

Hi is this Pheniox? A male voice said.

Yes may I ask who is calling? I ask

Yes this is Kevin Lyman, founder of warped tour. Kevin said.

Not to be mean or anything but why are you calling me.

I want you to come on warped tour and be part the YouTuber tent to meet your fans and to get new ones.

Sure I'll go can you text me every thing and I'll be good but I got to go I'm in a middle of making a video. I said.

Ya I'll do that. Sorry about my bad timing. Bye.

I finished my video all the way and started to pack. I got a week before I have to catch a plane for LA to get on the bus.

+ time skip a week later at the airport

When I got done with security I got on my plane and I sat down and waited for the plane to take off.

After a couple of minutes some one sits right by me. I look over and see damonfizzy.

Hey are you Damon fizzy by chance? I asked.

Yes I am. He said.

Sorry but I'm a big fan. May I have an autograph? I asked shyly.

Ya sure thing. Damon said and looked up.

Oh my God your death won't follow us darling! He pretty much screamed in my ear.

Yes I am are you a fan? I asked.

Try your number one fan. Damon said trying not to fan girl.

Do you want my autograph? I said already knowing the answer.

Yes!!! He screamed in my ear.

OK, so why are on the plane. I ask while signing a jumper. (a jacket for the US readers)

Warped tour. Damon said.

Fun me to. I said handing him his jumper.

Oh I would of been fine with just a paper one. How much for it?

Free. I said.

Are you sure?

Ya I do it all the time for my other darlings.

Oh I'll give you a hoddie when we land OK?

OK, so are we getting on the bus at the airport or? I ask confused.

No he wanted us there a week early but we can stay with the rest of my digital escape if you want? He said almost blushing.

You can I can get a hotel.

Why are you staying at a hotel? Damon asked confused.

Because I don't know them so I'm going to a hotel, so I don't bother them.

Nonsense in America youtubers treat each other like family.

Oh, I didn't know that.

Well they are picking me up from the airport so we can see if you can. You might have to share a room with someone.

That is fine and it is okay if they don't.

+++++time skip to the airport+++++++

Damon pov

We got off the plane we got our stuff and I called Johnnie

Hey johnnie I got a question. I said.

Ya what is it Damon? Johnnie said.

Well do you know who deathwontfollowusdarling is right? I asked hoping he did.

Ya who doesn't.

Well I meet her on the plane here and she is going on warped tour and I was just wondering if she could stay with us for the week?

Ya sure but she has to stay in the same room as you. Johnnie said not caring.

OK who are we looking for? I asked

Umm Margret. Johnnie said quietly.

Seriously Johnnie why her!! I yell scaring Pheniox.

I know you like her but every one is busy and my car is broke.

Fine but I'm sitting in the back of the car with Pheniox.

I don't care bro.

I got to go and talk to Pheniox.

OK bye.

Bye. After I said that the call ended.

Hey Pheniox.

Ya Damon. She said

You can stay with us but you have to stay in my room. I said hoping that she would say yes.

If it is not a problem. Maybe we all can do a video.

OK ya. After I said that Margret showed up.

Hey Damon. Margret said.

Let's just go. I say and grab Pheniox.

Whoa who is this slut? Margret asked .

She is not a slut for one and for two this is Pheniox aka deathwontfollowusdarling. I said trying not to yell.

She isn't good if I haven't heard of her.

No she is one of the best. She almost has 10 million subscribers or as she calls them darlings. I yelled

Fine you guys can find another way home. She yelled and walked away.

Ugh I'm sorry about her she kinda likes me. I told Pheniox.

It is fine I called a cab.

OK I'll pay.

No keep your money I'll pay since I cost you a free ride. Pheniox said.

Fine. I said knowing that I won't win this fight.

After awhile the cab came and took us the apartments we got put and Pheniox paid and we went up to the right apartment .

We are here! I yelled

In here Damon! Kyle yelled.

We walk into the kitchen and the look kyle had was priceless.

Oh my God your deathwontfollowusdarling! Kyle fan girl

Ya I am and I'm guessing that you are a darling. Saying that like it's normal.

Ya what are you doing here!

Well Damon here found me on the plane. Afore me to stay here until warped tour began.

Oh my God. Johnnie come here! Kyle yelled.

What kyle I'm busy. Johnnie said.

Look who Damon brought and she is going on warped tour.

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