Johnnie pov

I hear Kyle yelling about someone Damon brought here. Truly I don't care about her. I walk into the kitchen and I smell it. A hybrid. My mate.

Now I know you are probably confused about what is going on. Well me and my sister are were wolfs. And that thing is my mate.

What kyle I'm busy. I said.

Look who Damon brought and she is going on warped tour. Kyle said

Ya I know. Pheniox may I have a word with you. Alone. I asked her.

Sure. Pheniox said trying to control her wolf.

We walk into my room and I lock the door and sit down on my bed.

Look I understand that you might want to reject me. Cause I know you know that I am a hybrid. She said not looking at me.

No I don't want to reject you. I want to understand you. I said as Jake ,my wolf , bounced up and down.

Well I'm from Canada. I was in a pack before I became a hybrid. I-

Wait you were turned into a hybrid? I asked cutting her off.

Yes I was turned at sixteen and got my wolf that Friday on my birthday. Pheniox said quietly still not looking at me.

Pheniox look at me please. I beg.

No, I can't you will think I am a freak. She said as she began to cry.

I didn't know what to do so I did the first thing that came to mind. I kissed her.

When she pulled back she kept her eyes closed.

Why won't you open your beautiful eyes. I whimper.

Because of being a hybrid I have two spirits in me. My wolf and my vampire. So my eyes are weird.

You are not weird. Your my mate and nothing will change that.

So you don't mind that I have blood red eyes? She asked

I don't mind because that makes you, you. I smile.

Fine. She said and opens her eyes.

They are beautiful. I say

We better get out there so they don't start suspect some thing.

OK but what about you eyes?

Only supernatural creatures can see them.

Okay. I said as we walk into the kitchen.

You should of marked her. Jake said.

I won't until she is ready.

Fine. Jake said as he put his wall up

Pheniox pov

I found him. And he accepted me. Even though I am not a full werewolf.

We go into the kitchen and got some food.

Hey guys were is your bathroom? I asked

There is one in the hallway across from the kitchen. Kyle said.

Thanks. I said as I got up and went to the bathroom.
(Author note. Intallic is her wolf and bold underlined is her vampire.)

You are not suppose to have a mate. Alex , my vampire, said.

Don't listen to her, you were born a werewolf. Hope, my wolf, said

You weren't suppose to change into a werewolf. Face it, your are a freak.

No, the moon goddess wanted you like this. If not she would of killed you.

Stop!! I can't handle you two. I say holding my head.

Pheniox!! Pheniox are you okay!! Johnnie said

No. I said then I passed out

Johnnie pov.

Hey guys were is your bathroom? Pheniox asked

There is one in the hallway across from the kitchen. Kyle said.

Thanks. She said as I got up and went to the bathroom.

After awhile I got an uneasy feeling about something.

Mate. Jake wined.

I got up and ran for the door hitting the door.

Pheniox! Pheniox are you okay!? I yelled.

No. She said then collapsed

I busted the door down trying to get to her. When I get there I see that she is passed out but still alive. I picked her up and took her to the living room.

What happened Johnnie ? Kyle said.

She passed out. I said waiting for her to wake up.

Should we call an ambulance? Damon asked.

No she is fine, but you guys need to know something. After she wakes up. I said .

After a hour Pheniox wakes up.

Get them out. Pheniox said.

Why? I asked confused.

Because if you don't we will have to put them in a coffin. She said all to serious.

I'll take you to my room. I said as I picked her up.

Grab my bags and bring them with us. She said

I did as she said and got it and went to my room.

What happened? I asked hoping that she knew and would tell me.

Well you know that we have a wolf. Well I also have a vampire. She said.

I didn't know that, but what does that have to do with you passing out? I asked

Werewolfs and vampires don't get along. My vampire and wolf fight. They try to control me all the way and it wears me out every time and I pass out. The only times they will work together is when I'm in trouble, and it hurts. She said looking in her bag.

Oh I never knew that. I said as my wolf whimper.

It's fine it is just I miss my family. Pheniox said pulling out a blood bag.

I cringe at the sight of blood and my wolf wants to take control.

Omg I'm so sorry I forgot that you are not a hybrid. She said putting it back in her suit case.

It is fine it's just  have to get used to that.

If you want to step out so I can that would be great.

Pheniox pov

When he walks out I pick the bag and bring it to my mouth and start to drink it. After I was done I called Johnnie back in.

So I have a question. Johnnie said.

Ask away. I said.

What happened to your family?

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