Meeting 5sos and concert madness

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"Hey zoey" my best friend jade says. (Jade is the picture above ^)
"Hey what's up" I say.
"Well, I got these tickets to a meets & greet to meet 5sos because my uncle works for a book store and he got me a extra ticket and I wondered if you wanted to go with me" jade says
"Of course! I'm super excited to go!" I say. "Cool" she says.

Later at the meet & greet

I bring my 5sos book for them to sign.
Calum signs it as well as Ashton and Micheal then I get to Luke.
"Hey I remember you, your Ashton's sister". He says
" Yeah, I am"I say
"I should probably sign this for you there's a lot of people here" He says.
"Yeah you should, you can just sign it to Zoey" I say
"Cool" he says he hands me back my book. "Your coming to the concert right?" Be asks
"Yeah I am my mom bought me and my best friend jade some tickets" I say

"We should trade phone numbers so we can call or text each other  sometime" he says

"Yeah we should, hand me your phone" I say as I out my number in.

I give him my phone and he puts his number in as well.

"Cool, well thanks for signing my book and I'll see you at the concert". I say

" Yeah, see you at the concert" hey says.

Later at home

"Hey mom" I say

"Hey sweetie, how was your day?" She asks

"Good, I went with Jade to a book signing and I got 5sos to sign my book and of course I saw ash".

"Well that's good honey" she says

"Well, I'm gonna go to bed because I have school tomorrow and I'm tired" I say.

"Okay, sweetie goodnight" she says

"Goodnight mom" I say and I walk up to my room and flop in my bed. Then I receive a text from Luke.

(L stands for Luke and Z stands for zoey btw).

Z:hey, what's up
L:nothing much just getting ready for the concert wby?
Z:about to get dressed for the concert.
L: cool, well I gotta go were almost at the arena
Z:say I'll text you later jade is about to pick me up see you at the concert.
L: later see you at thy concert.

Later in the car with jade

"I'm so excited for this concert!" I say

"Me too" I say

We jam out to the radio in the car until we arrive at the arena.

"There's alot of girls here" jade says
"I know right" I say

We walk in the arena (quicken loans in Cleveland Ohio)

And we put our purses through the conveyor belt and we walk to the lower level place and we find the usher and she leads us to our seats which are in the first row ("credit to my mom for buying the tickets" I say in my head)

"This is going to be so awesome" jade says
" I'm super excited " I say

And with that the lights go off and the timer counts down (5sos concert stuff lol)
The first song is Permanent Vacation
and they start singing"

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