Just Recording

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        A/N   ( I MADE JESS LIKE A TOTAL FANGIRL IN THIS XD! But hey, who can blame her? I certainly can't. Also, cute Rax things happen in this chapter, FINALLY! God, I need to write more fluff . . . Anyway, plz enjoy! )                     ~Cheela_writes

------------------------Adam's POV----------------- ( continued ) after recording cuz I'm lazy

                          During the entire video Max and Ross stuck together, whether they were both hiders or not. After that recording, I had to agree with Tim, there was A LOT of tension between the two. I remember throwing glances at Barney in his office, who also suspected something between Max and Ross. And Jess, don't even get me started on her. The chat was practically filled with her shipping of the pair.

                   I stepped out of my office to see Jess, Tim, and Barney talking. And of course I saw THE COUPLE sitting beside one another, acting cute. THE COUPLE being Max and Ross obviously. "Hey," I say as I walk over to my friends. "Look at Max and Ross!!" Jess nearly shouted. I looked over at them to see Ross look up with alarm as well as blush on his face. Max blushed also. They made it look so obvious, always hanging around each other, I could only imagine what it was like for the two at home. "How long have they been like this??" Jess asked with her inner fangirl. "For a while now" Tim answered. "Are they like this at home?" Jess asked. "If I'm gonna be honest, I'm surprised they haven't fucked each other yet" Tim said, making us all laugh slightly. "Hey, maybe we can change that . . . " I suggest with an evil smile. Automatically, I see Jess trying to think. "I like that idea . . . but how will we get them to admit to each other?" Jess asked. "Well, let's not try to interfere  just yet. Let's just wait and see how far those two go on their own." I say to her. She nods and turns her attention towards Max and Ross. "Tim," I grab his attention. He looks at me and hums in question. "Go sit down and 'work', and by that I mean watch those two closely" I told him. He nodded and began to walk over to his desk to sit down.

-----------------------------Ross' POV------------------------------

                  I sat down beside Max to watch him edit Adam's video. I had that fuzzy feeling you get when you're in love . I had that want, that need to be more than friends with him. But, I knew no matter how much I wanted it, Max probably wouldn't feel the same. I sighed. "What's the matter, Ross?" I heard Max ask me.  I looked at him to see a small glint of worry within his eyes. "I-it's nothing . . ." I insist as I avoid eye contact. "N-no it's not 'nothing', Ross tell me" Max persisted. I shifted to lay my head on his shoulder, I know, bold move. But he didn't protest. "I guess I'm just a little under the weather" I say, sorta monotone. "You just tired?" Max asked me in his gentle voice. I nodded. "Don't worry Ross, after like, 80 more videos, we'll be able to go home and sleep or whatever" Max tried to reassure me. "Ugghh," I groaned with a bit of irritation. Max laughed. "I'm glad you get enjoyment out of my suffering" I joked, making Max giggle more. I eventually joined in on the laugh though. "You two seem happy" I heard Adam say. I turned to see the brunette wrap his arms around me and Max, pushing us awkwardly close to one another. My heart felt like it was going a million miles an hour. I looked to see Max with blush across his face. Adam let go of us both, he had a somewhat devious smile. "We are having fun, thank you!" Max said as if defending me. I smiled.

                       "Yeah, so . . . uh, what do you want Adam?" I asked awkwardly. "Uh, nothin'. Just wanted to see you two" Adam told me. I nodded and turned my attention back towards Max's monitor. Me and Max started to talk after Adam left us. As I was watching Max edit, I felt him wrap an arm around me. He pulled me closer, I let my head rest upon his chest, not arguing with any of Max's smooth moves. I glanced up to see Max smile slightly at my submissiveness. Well, I wasn't going to reject the man! In fact, I'd do the exact opposite.

                    While Max was editing, I started to nod off. I fell asleep lying my head on Max's chest.

-------------------------Jess' POV---------------------

                I could barely hold back my enthusiasm for Max and Ross being a couple. It had been, I want to say, like, thirty minutes or so after our hide and seek video and I kept wanting to flip out as I watched the two interact. IT WAS ADORABLE!!!! As soon as I saw Ross lay his head on Max's chest-I lost it. I instantly had to tell Adam or someone. Without another moment of thought, I went to find Adam, but I instead ran into Barney first. "Heys Dirt. What gots you so workeded up?" he asked me with his thick accent. I knew I couldn't answer him here so I simply said, "Meet me in Adam's office".

                              Barney nodded. I then went back on my adventure to find Adam. I stepped into Adam's office with an almost unbreakable smile. "Hey Jess. You seem happy" Adam said as I entered. "Yeah, I am. Try to guess why" I said with my smile never fading.  "Uhhhhhh, Max and Ross kissed?" he guessed. "NOPE! But they should at the rate they're acting." I replied. Adam then turned to face me, clearly interested in what I had to say. "What happened then?" he asked. "Okay, wait until Barney gets here. Then I'll tell you" I said as I looked and waited for Barney. A minute passed before Barney entered the office and closed the door behind himself.

                       "So what'ch yous wants Dirts?" Barney asked. I took a deep breath before answering, "Well, I was watching them from my office cause' I'm nosy like that right, and all the sudden Max brought Ross into a hug. Ross then rested his head on Max's chest, and by the looks of it, fell asleep" I say, slightly overjoyed. "Did you take a photo?" Adam asked as if it were an urgent matter. "CRAP! I knew I forgot something" I realize. "Hey, if we're quick, maybe we can still catch the two in the act" Adam recommended. I nodded and took out my phone.    



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