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"Rosemary? Rosemary? Are you in there? Please, answer me?" After waiting another ten seconds, and covering my eyes, I opened the door.

"Rose?" I whispered. I fluttered my goddamn eyes open. Her body. Limp.

Limp. Not moving. Not bre— Fuck.

"Rose, wake up," I started shaking her body "Jane, fuck, come here now. Call 999!"

I held her soaking body against mine, just having the tiniest bit of decency by covering her body in a towel and also trying to keep her warm.

"Lucas? What happened?" Jane walked in.

"Jane, this is an urgent matter. Rosemary tried to drown herself, call now!" I barked, not keeping myself in check anymore.

If only she'd survive this one too.


Sad. Bye. I'd really love some feedback k so vote, comment, hope you had a lovely Christmas filled with joy and laughter x

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