Chapter 2

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~Brit's POV~

     The cab driver pulls up to a small house outside of the city of London. No one had bothered to pick me up from the airport. Shows how much my family loves me, right? I get my small backpack out of the car and walk up to the front door. I knock on the door. A gray haired man answers the door.

     "What do you want?" he grumbles. I look back down at the address mom had written down for me. I was at the right place.

     "Um yeah. Does Mark Bristol live here?" I ask. The old man shakes his head slamming the door in my face. What the hell. I pull my phone out of my backpack and call my mom. After what seems like forever she answers slurring a hello.

     "Mom it's Brit" I say starting to worry.

     "Brit? I don't know a Brit"

     "Mom it's your daughter. Have you been drinking? You gave me the wrong address." There is a beeping on the other side of the call. "Great" I mumble.

     I walk down the paved road. I have no clue where I am. If I had a dollar for every time this family let me down I would have.... lets just say a lot of money. I sit down on the side of the road. Maybe a car passing will run over me. What kind of luck would I need for that?

     "Britney?" a boys voice ask. I turn around to see a boy about eighteen walking towards me. He has brownish hair and vibrant green eyes. "Britney, I'm Peter" he says holding his hand out to help me up. I stare at his hand. 

     "I'm hallucinating." I mumble taking his hand and pulling myself up. 

     "We've met before"

     "I think I would remember a boy wearing knee high boots" I grab my backpack before he could take it and run.

     "I'm Peter, Peter Pan. I'm in that story book you read love" he smirks raising a eyebrow " I thought you would recognize me. You read my story so many times."

     "Stalker much?"

     "I wouldn't call it stalking. I would call it investigating"  

     "I call it a police call." I sass him. I turn my back on him and continue walking down the road.

   "I didn't think it would come to this" he mumbles. Suddenly a cloud of green smoke surrounds me. I'm pulled into the darkness.


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