New Discovery

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I wake up in the morning but something was different. I don't know what but all I know was my life was going to change.

"What the? What's going on?" I saw that my aura was showing and when I got out of bed, the floor was set in fire with every step I took. "I better talk to daddy about this." I run to my parents room. "Daddy!" I shout.

"Rosey, what's wrong?" My father says and he goes over to me.

"Something weird is going on. Every step I take, the floor sets on fire and my aura is showing."

He sees the floor on fire and sees my aura showing. "Well would you look at that. Mary, come look at this."

My mother stands next to my father and looks at me while smiling. "Well what do you know. My Little Rosey is growing up. Do you think she deserves it now, Ralph?"

"She does."

"Mommy, daddy what's going on? What's happening to me?"

"You're growing up. You have discovered your powers." My father tells me.

"My powers?"

"Yes, dear. You're powers." My mother says while smiling at me.

"But I thought we don't get our powers until the age of 10. Why did I get my powers when I'm not even 5 yet?"

"Rosey, do you remember the story I used to tell you before you went to bed?" My father asks.

"Yeah, I remember."

"Well there's part of the story I didn't tell you. When the village was attacked by shadow demons, the ancient warrior saved everyone and destroyed the shadow demons they loved her. But one day, the village learned that the ancient warrior got her powers before she turned 5. She was very powerful that she was able to gain it before anyone else. She was stronger then anyone else and everyone feared her. They all thought she was going to destroy the village so they murdered her. Before she died she cursed the village. The curse was that someday when her reincarnation is born and we make peace with the lightning users, they will betray us and kill all of the Dark Devils."

"But that's just a story isn't it?"

"It depends if you believe it or not."

"I guess I'm really special huh?"

"You are and I'm sure that someday you will save everyone just like the ancient warrior did. I bet the whole village will love you. Now come on. Time for school." My mother says.

"Yes mommy." I run back to my room and get ready for school. "I can't wait to learn to control my new powers."

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