Warriors of ThunderClan

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Leader: Mudstar- Dark brown tom with green eyes.
Apprentice- Sunpaw

Deputy: Suntuft- White tom with Orange tufts of fur and amber eyes.

Medecine Cat: Spotshade-Tortoishell she-cat with blue eyes.
Apprentice: Silverpaw- Black tom with silver paws.


Cedarfur- Grey tom with green eyes.
Apprentice- Shadowpaw

Snowleap- White she-cat with blue eyes.
Apprentice- Blizzardpaw

Toadfur- Brown tabby tom with amber eyes.

Petalface- Creamy she-cat with a very light blue eye color.

Berryblaze- Blue-grey tom with darker grey patches and goldish eyes. Redpaw and Shadowpaw's father.
Apprentice- Cloudpaw

Nightfeather- Black she-cat with a feather-y tail and amber eyes.
Apprentice- Copperpaw

Whitefoot- Orange tom with white paws and green eyes.
Apprentice- Leafpaw

Pinestorm- Sand colored tabby she-cat with green eyes.
Apprentice- Shadowpaw

Blacktail- Red tom with a black tail.

Dewflower- Red Mottled she-cat with blue eyes. Redpaw and Shadowpaw's mother.

Spotfur- Black calico tom, amber eyes.
Apprentice- Redpaw

Waterwing- Blue-grey she-cat with blue-green eyes.

Foxfang- Reddish tabby tom with blue eyes.

Mintgaze- Grey she-cat with mint colored eyes.

Brackenheart- Golden tabby tom with yellow eyes.
Apprentice- Honeypawp

Oakpool- Orange-red she-cat with amber eyes.

Badgerpelt- Black and white tom with green eyes.


Redpaw- Reddish tabby she-cat with white chest and neck and lime green eyes.

Rainpaw- Black, grey, and white mottled tom with green eyes.

Honeypaw- Pure golden she-cat with white speckles and icy blue eyes.

Sunpaw- Red, orange, and yellow tom with green eyes.

Shadowpaw- A tom with the left side of his body orange and the right side black with golden eyes.

Leafpaw- Tortoishell she-cat with green eyes.

Blackpaw- Black she-cat with one red ear and golden eyes.

Blizzardpaw- White she-cat with grey paws and blue eyes.

Cloudpaw- Black and white tom with amber eyes.

Copperpaw- Golden tom with green eyes.


Rosefern- Reddish she-cat. Expecting Blacktail's kits.

Ashcloud- Black she-cat expecting Foxfang's kits.

Mossfur- Tortoishell she-cat with blue eyes. Mother of Lionkit, Whitekit, and Patchkit. Searclaw is the father.

Mouseflight- Brown tabby she-cat. Oldest in the Clan.

Moonbird- Blueish she-cat with green eyes.

Adderstorm- Black tom with yellow eyes and scars from an adder.

Flintheart- White tom with black little flint furs and blue eyes.


Leader- Otterstar: Tabby brown she-cat with blue eyes.

Deputy- Quickstripe: Black tom with four white stripes and amber eyes.

Medecine Cat- Snowfall- White she-cat with green eyes.
Apprentice- Starpaw- Orange tom with a white mark on his chest shaped like a star with dark blue eyes.


Voleclaw- Small Brown tabby tom.

Mosswhisker- Tortoishell she-cat with blue eyes.

Reedtail- Black tom with goldenish eyes.

Graystream- Tabby Gray she-cat.

Pouncewhisker- Ginger and black tom.

Dapplemist- Gray, White, and black mottled she-cat.

Hawkface- Brown tom with a scared face from a hawk attack.

Dawnwing- Pale creamy she-cat with white stripes on sides.

Rippleclaw- Blue-Gray tabby tom with green eyes.

Pebblefur- Black she-cat with Gray spots that look like pebbles.

Cloudfoot- Brown tom with white paws.

Raintail-White she-cat with a graytail.

Sunflight- Tabby Orange tom with green eyes.

Bluepaw- Blue-gray she-cat with white spots and green eyes.

Graypaw- Gray tom with green eyes. Bluepaws brother.

Tigerpaw- Brown and black tabby TPM with amber eyes.


Leader- Jetstar: Black tom with green eyes.

Deputy- Dustface: White tom with a Brown face and amber eyes.

Medecine Cat- Gorsetail: Very pale Gray and white tom with blue eyes.

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