First Battle

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Six moons had passed since Redpaw's apprenticeship and she was already claimed as the Clans best fighter and hunter. Some cats questioned it because she was only an apprentice.

Redpaw, Rainpaw, Cedarfur, Waterwing, and Suntuft went on a patrol near the ShadowClan border. Four cats were by the border, staring at the SkyClan patrol.

"SkyClan think they're so great, Whiskerpaw." A grey tabby she-cat growled.

"That's right, Silverstripe," another growled. He was a dark blue-grey.

"I wish I could give them a taste of their own medecine, Midnightfang!" A black she-cat growled, lashing out a forepaw.

"Easy, Nightfoot," Midnightfang said.

"We aren't deaf, you mange-ridden, poor excuse for a cat!" Waterwing suddenly burst out, growling.

"Ooh, so scared!" Silverstripe taunted.

Suntuft's fur fluffed up but he spoke calmly. "We aren't looking for trouble. We are only on a patrol, as you should be,"

"You don't tell us what to do!" Midnightfang spat. "You th--" He got cut off when about a dozen rogues appeared.

"Well, well, what do we have here?" A tabby Brown tom sneered. He was huge, and he looked like the leader.

"I think we should teach them a lesson, Sair." A black she-cat remarked. "Clan cats think they own the forest so no others can't walk where they please!"

"You cats don't know the code of honor!" Suntuft spat.

"Don't you even!" Sair growled and launched himself at Suntuft, claws unsheathed. They were outnumbered. Badly.

"R-Rainpaw!" Suntuft huffed under Sair's weight. "We need more warriors! Redpaw! Go to RiverClan and ask for help!"

"Haha! No need! Our Rage are attacking all!" Sair triumphly yowled. Rainpaw had already dashed away and ThunderClan cats came bursting through the bushes, Rainpaw along. Redpaw ran to Rainpaw and Honeypaw.

"Let's go gather the other Clans here!" With that, Redpaw, Honeypaw, and Rainpaw ran to RiverClan. When they reached the border, the three apprentices heard yowls of pain and battle.

Redpaw heard something and whipped around to see a dark brown tom behind them.

"You are on the wrong territory at the wrong time," he growled, swiping at Rainpaw. The grey tabby hit a rock head-first and he lay still. Redpaw ran by him.

"Rainpaw," she whispered. He didn't stir and his breathing was barely audible. "Rainpaw!" She wailed. Thunder and lightning cracked above and rain began to pour. Tears filled up in Redpaws eyes at the thought of her best friend being dead.

Hey guys! Sorry for the late update! I hope you like it!

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