rest my head

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  I walked in my room, dumped my cape on the sofa, only to find my room mate Tolola staring at me (I forgot that she would be there). " I cant believe it!" she said to me in the most shocked (or surprised) way " your...a girl. And you actually look kinda pretty 'wait until I tell Elle about this'" I couldn't leave it at that "NO! you mustn't tell anyone, and I mean anyone" " but." I don't no what I'm going to do. Wait a second. I do know what to do " I tell you what, if you don't tell anyone about my secret I wont tell anyone about yours. Ok?" she looked at me with bold eyes "what secret?" " trust me I know your secret!" I don't actually. " oh that secret. That would be bad if it got around...maybe I wont say anything to Elle after all" how could I confirm this? I'm not used to being around girls like this. " pinkey promise?" "yeah, why not." few, that was close. Maybe a little bit too close. At least I know that I can trust 1 person now.

   I went to my door and tapped in the code 23410 on the left hand side (They must have had people breaking in if they have this much security) or perhaps they just do it to make you feel safer. wow, it looks even better today than it did yesterday. Red carpet, wooden walls, double four post bed and an out of place bookshelf in the far left hand corner. I went to my bed, lay down and got myself ready for the day ahead.

   I don't know why but I was finding it very hard to sleep, I couldn't just lie here the whole night and stare at the bookcase. Just as I thought this I saw it "what an interesting book!" it was a red leather book with a ribbon tied around it saying 'Cinderella'. I can remember that being one of the books that I had read when I was little. I got up and walked slowly (being precautious) towards the book shelf. Just as I approached Cinderella, I could see that in tiny gold print it said 'escape route'. I don't remember that being there before. I reached out my hand and gradually pulled the book out from where it had originally been wedged between two monsters of a book. It was stuck. I snuck my hand around behind it to release the ribbon only to find a lever. I pulled it. I stared. I stood still and watched as the out of place bookshelf became a secret door. I had to find out where it led to. Too late, the bells gone for 8 o clock.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2013 ⏰

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