Chapter 13

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"Scotty, sound check!" I said as I knocked on his bus door. The door flew open and Scotty walked down the steps. I smiled up at him as he took my hand and we started walking.

"You excited about our last concert?" He asked. If I was telling the truth, I would say I was nervous as a newly married man. But for Scotty's sake I won't tell him that.

"Oh my God yeah I am. Thank you so much Scotty, you have helped me with so much!" I say hugging his arm. We walk to the stadium, having small talk about what our setlist are for tonight. As we entered the stadium our team came and gave us mics, ear pieces, and our guitars.

"Ladies first." Scotty said as we stood at the stairs to the stage, I thanked him and walked up the stairs. We did a couple songs and joked around. I pretended to be Scotty while singing 'You Man' by Josh Turner.

"Baby lock them doors and turn the lights down low." I sing, trying to hit the low notes. He laughed before singing the song while i played it on the guitar with the band. We laughed through the whole time.

"Hey you want to meet a friend of mine?" He ask as I see blonde have in the corner of my eyes, i'm praying it's not Hunter but when I turn I see no other than the beautiful and talented, Lauren Alaina. I smiled at her and hugged her.

"Oh my gosh hi, I'm-"

"Grace Bolden, love your depubt album by the way." She buts in while i'm interruducing myself. But I didn't care I mean how are all these country music stars finding out about me? I smile and thank her.

"Scotty you never told me she was this pretty." She whispers into Scotty's ear as they hug, but I heard. I blushed a bright pink as Scotty chuckled.

"Do you want to come on stage and sing a song or two with me tonight?" I asked her. Her face brightened up and a smile came to her face.

"Oh my God yes i wouls love too!" She says while clapping her hands.

"We could do Georgia Peaches. That's like my favorite song that your ever done!" I say gushing. She laughs, but then her face falls like she was thinking.

"Oh my gosh we could do One Of Those Boys!" She exclaims I smile and we both grab a mic and start practicing the song. Scotty had been talking to the band the whole time we where practicing.


"Y'all want to go get lunch or something?" Scotty asked as Lauren and I chatted away about different things.

"Yeah let's go." I say as Lauren and I grab our purses. I fixed my jeans and Saints Jersey tee shirt, as we walked out to the truck.

"So you and Scotty, huh?" Lauren whispered as we looked at Scotty who was walking about 10 feet in front of us, I smiled as he started humming 'Your Man'.

"Yeah." I say with a large smile on my face.

"I know this might be awkward, but I had a huge crush on him during Idol. And it didn't work cause he couldn't see how much I loved him, but girl he surely loves you." She said with a laugh. I smiled at what she said and nodded.

"I could always see something in him though, ya know while watching, his eyes would flicker to you every once in a while when on stage. A hand on the hip, a whisper in the ear." I finished with a wink. She laughed at what I said and we climbed into the truck. I sat in the middle since Scotty's truck was one of those that didn't have a back seat but was just a straight seat upfront. We laughed and talked the whole way to 'Logan's', once we got there we were surronded by people and paparizze.

"Come on." Scotty said as he grabbed both of our hands and pulled us into the building. We smiled at the waiters nad waitresses, tooks some pics with them, and then i proclaimed that i was "dieing of hunger". They laughed and seated us right away.

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