Chapter 22

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I was a little stunned, did he really just say that? Did he really just say he wanted to kiss me? Oh well wow. I mean I wanted to kiss him to, don't get me wrong, but he still has Ainsley. He can't kiss me.


"No I know that wasn't appropriate. Sorry...Um let's go." He started for the door but I grabbed his hand like he did to me the day before he left and I pulled him into me. But just before we kissed I whispered:

"You have no idea either."

He smiled down at me as we leaned in but just as our lips where about to kiss the door started to open. We quickly moved apart and looked at the door. Ainsley came into sight and I picked up my guitar case to hide my blushing.

"Hey baby." She said as she walked over to Hunter and hugged him.


"Oh hey Grace." I looked up and gave her a wave with a small smile.

"Hey Ains." She smiled at me before noticing Hunter and I's outfits.

"Aw y'all are matching, y'all should have filled me in so I could have been the triplet." I laughed along with her as he laugh erupted through the bus.

"Well it just surda happened....We should get to meet and greet." Hunter said before grabbing two sharpies and handing me the gold one before we left Ainsley on the bus with our goodbyes.

As we walked to the venue we where quiet, it wasn't awkward just a comfortable silence. I glanced over at Hunter for a minute before moving the case in my left hand to my right hand shifting the weight of the guitar case with my guitar in it.

"You want me to carry that for you?" I heard Hunter ask as gripped the handle. I looked over to him and shook my head.

"No I'm okay, but thanks for the offer." I say as we walk the rest of the parking lot. He nods at my response before taking the case from my hands. I stop abruptly and put my hands on my hips, and look at him.

"Come on we'll be late." I laugh as he completely ignores my protest and runs ahead of me so he can open the door. I grab his hand before we get up there and tell him that I can open a door myself but he protest and holds it open for me.

"Just tryin' to be a gentleman." He claims as we walk into the elevator. I laugh and give him a side hug.

"And that one of the reasons why I love you." I say with another laugh as he casually drapes his arms and i wiggle mine around his waist.

"I'm exausted!" I say as I enter my bus with Hunter, we had sneaked around his so we could get passed without Ainsley wondering what was going on. Hunter actually told me that he doesn't love Ainsley as much as he used too. He wants her as a friend, not a girlfriens; he thought she was the one but she wasn't.

"Same here." He commented as we plopped down on the couch besdie each other. He rested his arms above my head on the couches back board, and I leaned my head on to his chest. He brought his hand up and started playing with strands of my hair. I smile as he twist the strands around his finger and then let's it fall to my shoulders again.

"Whatcha gonna do?" I ask as he pulls up another strand and twirls it.

"When Im gone." he sings as he releases the strand.

"No, what are you gonna do about Ainsley, I mean you can't keep leading her on." I sat up and looked at him as he released the strands he was playing with.

"I'll have to let her go easy." He says before taking my hands.

"And then everything will be okay, cause you can be mine."

Hey guys I know it's short I promise to make next chapter longer!

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