Chapter 7

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*2 years later*

"Your on in 5, Grace!" The stage manger said as I got into the circle with my band. We prayed and did our saying: 

'For the love of music, the glory of God, and the state of Louisiana.'

"5, 4, 3, 2, 1" I counted to myself before I ran onto the stage with acoustic in hand. I wrapped the guitar string around my shoulders, knowing the lights were off. I gave my manager a thumbs up the looked down at my guitar. The lights slowly glided onto me and I raised my head to the mic.

"I'll be your Louisiana Girl!" I sang through the mic before beginning to play the song I had written two years ago after Hunter left.

Oh yeah no I would never forget that. He left after kissing me without coming back or stopping me. Now our friendship is gone, I think he forgot about me...Since I got signed I had 'Louisiana Girl' go platinum and 'Laugh With Me' go gold.

I smiled before silently saying "1 2 3 4".

As I belted the song out I thought of all the things I had done in the past two years. Getting sighed winning a CMA and ACM award both for Best Upcoming Artist, meeting Scotty and then/ now touring with him. Oh and for those relationship rumors all I have to say is ask Scotty. ;)

I sang a couple more songs before finally looking out into the crowd and sighing.

"Well, I guess it's time for me to go, but Scotty has an amazing show for y'all! Love y'all! God bless!" I said before running off the stage.

"Great job, darlin'!" Scotty said before kissing my forehead and hugging me.

"Thanks! Go get em'! " I called as he ran on the stage.

"Love you!" He called to me.

"You too!" I called after him. He shot me a smile and ran onto the stage...


"Scotty!" I called as I walked down the hall of his bus. I was spending the day with him for our free day.

"Yeah?" He asked as he stood from the couch.

"Have you seen my boots?" I asked him hoping he knew. He thought for a minute then smile walking to his closet.

"I thought they were mine. Sorry babe." He said as he handed then to me. I smiled up at him.

"No problem, Scott. Thanks!" I said before getting on my tip-toes and kissing his cheek.

I put my socks on and slipped my brown boots on. Today I was wearing a brown tank with a jean jacket over it, seeing as it was November and we where in North Carolina. I had paired that with jeans and my boots. My hair was in long loose curls down my back and over my shoulders. I had my charm bracelet hanging on my right wrist. It had each of the instruments I play on it, Scotty had gotten it for me when I won the ACM's last year.

"So what do you want to do today?" Scotty asked as we started walking to his car.

"I wanna see your home town!" I said excitingly. He smiled at me before starting the truck and driving towards the interstate.

"Your gonna love it there." He said looking at me for a second then towards the road again. I smiled before turning on the radio and hearing 'Laugh With Me' come.

"I love this song." Scotty said as he started singing it terribly off key. I laughed as he sang the lyrics!

"So who did you write this song about?" He asked...uh-oh.....

"Um, I wrote it about...this guy who was like a really good best friend at the time. And I had a-a crush on him, and he was sorta like a boyfriend, and we would laugh about things all the time! So I wrote this during that time..." I said not really telling who it was about.

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