I Love You, so Shut Up.

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Age: Dipper: 17 You: 16


You placed your pillow on your face and groaned. "What do I do?" You called Mabel. "Mabel, help me out. Come over at my house ASAP." You hung up and looked at your closet. You sighed. Mabel asked you if you can go with her to the ballroom dance. You're not really into those stuff, but you agreed for Mabel to be happy.

Mabel arrived minutes later. "You already know why you're here, right?" You asked her. "Of course. Now, let's take a look at your wardrobe." She ran to your room. "Hmm...." She observed every one of your clothes. "Don't you have any dresses?" She asked. "Not a single one." You replied. "Then we'll be going shopping." She grabbed your arm and sprinted, going to the mall.


"(Y/N) THIS IS PERFECT!" Mabel squealed, holding a (f/c) ballgown. (Like the one shown above) You smiled nervously. Am I seriously going to wear that...? "Okay, my work here is done. See you tomorrow!" She bid goodbye. As soon as you closed the door, you panicked. "How I wish I can just wear casual or somthing." I don't think I want to go anymore.

You tried the dress on, and surprisingly, it fits, though you didn't even try it on a while ago. It's sort of itchy, but it still fits.

That's it.

I don't want to go anymore.

But I have to.

Next Day

You ate with Mabel and Dipper at the Greasy Diner. You sat across Mabel and beside Dipper.

"Hey (Y/n)! You excited for later?!" She asked. "For what?" Dipper asked too. "For the ball, of course!" She screamed. "Wait...you're going?!" Dipper asked you. "Yeh..Got any problem?" You glared. "You're going to have to wear a dress or something." "So? I'm not lesbian, Dipper." "Yeah. But you're boyish." He was right. You crossed your arms and huffed.

"That doesn't mean I can't wear a dress for one night for my friend." You snapped at him. He smiled. "Okay then." When your food arrived, you couldn't help but eat like a pig. Dipper looked at you and you noticed. "Does my eating make you feel uncomfortable?" You asked with concern. "No. Not at all. Keep going." He smiled. You smiled back and continued eating.

You could sense him stealing glances at you. You didn't care. You were too anxious of the ball later.


Mabel helped you putting the dress on.

"Why is it so itchy?!" You held the urge to scratch your back. "It's normal." Mabel smiled sweetly. She also did your hair and make-up.

"There. Were done-" She paused when she finally saw the final product. "OH MY GOD YOU'RE SO BEAUTIFUL!!" She yelled. You blushed. "Shut up. I'm doing this for you, you know." "I know. I love you too." She hugged you.

You and Mabel waited at your house for Stan to pick you up. "You should wear dresses more often." Mabel suggested. "Nope. Not gonna happen. Sorry Mabel." You smirked. As soon as the Stanmobile arrived, you sat at the backseat beside Mabel. You can see Dipper at the front seat, not looking at you, which made you break a little inside.


"(Y/n) you stay right there I'll get you and I food." Mabel said, running with Candy and Grenda, snickering. You tried to find Dipper, and fortunately, you saw him sitting on the chair. You tried your best to go near him without being seen, but failed. He saw you. His eyes beamed like stars. He had never seen someone this pretty.
You noticed this and spun around in circles, smiling.
"Woah...You look amazing." He said.
"Thank you, your highness." You replied with a bow.
Both of you laughed. Then after staring into each other's eyes, both of you blushed.

"Oh! I, uh.....Why are you sitting there alone, Dipper? Got nobody to dance the waltz with?" You asked, a small smirk in your face. "Well, you don't have a partner yourself, (Y/n)." He grinned. You raised a hand. "Shall I have this dance?" You asked, cocking your eyebrows. "You know I should be the one to ask you that, right?" "Yeah, but you didn't. So I did. Come on, just say yes." You nudged him playfully in the arm multiple times. "Okay, princess." He finally replied, grabbing my hand and pulling me to the middle of the ballroom floor.

"(Y/n)? Where are you?" Mabel asked, holding two plates of the different food she had brought. She saw you, with her brother, dancing. "Candy. Grenda. Look."


You were slow-dancing with Dipper. Your right hand on his shoulder, your left holding his right, and your head resting on the chest. You didn't want this night to end.

Dipper was amazed by how Mabel turned you from a boyish girl into something this beautiful. But Dipper thought you were already beautiful from the start. He had always liked you. Dipper was interrupted from his thoughts by ths sound of your soothing voice.



"I.....I wanna tell you something."

He turned to you.

"What is it?"


"OH MY GOSH!!!!!!" You heard someone yell. Both you and Dipper turned to see Mabel, Candy and Grenda fangirling. You blushed, and so did Dipper. Mabel ran to you.

"Great job, (Y/n)!" Mabel winked. "Uh...Mabel? You kinda ruined the moment." You smiled. "What? Really? I'm so so sorry I-" "No no, it's okay. I wanted someone to see this."

Then you smashed your lips into his. He was surprised, his eyes were wide open. Mabel gasped so loud she ran out of breath easily, dropping the two plates she was holding. Candy and Grenda were yelling like wild wolves. After yelling, they helped Mabel up. You ended the kiss, staring at his brown eyes. "You don't know how much I love you." He smiled.

"I love you too, (nickname)."
"I love you the most, so shut up."
"No you shut up-"

You covered his mouth and kissed his forehead. "No you shut up because you're not getting any more kisses from me if you don't." He zipped his mouth, smirking.

"Good boy." Then you kissed him again.

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