Contestshipping (MayxDrew)

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YES. One of my FAVORITES EVER. I used to be obsessed with this ship when I was in 9th grade. It was my favorite shipping ever, I can't even explain how much I used to love this ship.

I still love it, but I think I overdid it. You know when you listen to a song so much that you love it and you're so obsessed then after a while it's kinda like not your favorite anymore? Yeah, that's what happened.

But I still love this ship, I think it's really adorable but funny at the same time. Come on people, the roses!

"GO AND SMELL THE ROSES!" Lol, I love that quote from that commercial for traveling.

I love May, everything about her is just hilarious to me. Her angry side for food(because that's legit me all the time) like the time in the diamond and pearl series when team rocket stole the food from the restaurant and she literally was ON FIRE.

Dude, so many moments I was just like "C'MON DREW MAKE IT CANON!!" I like how Drew can rile up May by teasing her a little, but in the episode when they were in the wynauts cave and afterwards, I thought it was so cute when Drew went after May and saved her. Or when May saved Drew from drowning, I was like "YOU GO GIRL".

I could go on and on about this ship. I mean, I'm not obsessed with it, but I really love it.

Rate I give this ship: 10/10 I support it with my heart and soul. I hope I didn't ramble too much about it XD

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