A storm struck the earth with all it's power, sending trees flying down. A flock of 3 eagles ducked under one, and emerged on the other side. One eagle, who was bigger then the other two, was in the lead and carried something in it's talons. They skidded to a halt in the sky and looked up. They began flapping their wings to get above the clouds. Once they got above the clouds, it was peaceful. The flock was able to fly quicker above the storm. After a few minutes of flying, they could see their kingdom. It was placed on the top of the tallest mountain in a way that made it harder for other kingdoms to attack. The flock landed, their feathers ruffled. More eagles rushed over to help the largest one, who was still flying. One came over and grabbed the object, an egg, in his talons.
"Good evening, Sir Banco" An eagle said.
The largest eagle landed with a thud and nodded.
"Where is the Queen?" Sir Banco asked.
"Ah, she is in the Lowest Quarters helping the poor." The other eagle said.Sir Banco let out a loud squawk of anger.
"Ever since the king died, she has been helping those idiots in the Lower Quarters! It's just a storm for Wind's sake!"
The other eagles all turned to look at him, fear in their eyes. Sir Banco knew they all feared him since he was one of the largest birds in the kingdom.
"Yes, we all miss your brother and know that you want to be king." One eagle shouted.
Sir Banco scratched the ground, leaving claw marks on the golden floors. The two other eagles who had been flying with him, scouted the air.
"What's that?" One said.
The other gasped and shouted "Sir Banco!"Sir Banco turned and saw a huge flock of Owls flying towards the kingdom.
"Oh sh ..." He was trailed off as the Queen ran into the room, screaming.
The eagles turned to see small groups of other birds running towards them too. The other birds said all the kingdoms had been attacked by the Owl Kingdom. The Queen stared in horror at her HalfBrother. Just then, a window broke and Owls came flying in. All the birds began attacking the crazed Owls. The battle was over in an instant. One Owl managed to make it's way over to the Queen. It chopped her head clean off with it's talons, covered in armor. Sir Banco ran for the egg, and grabbed it. The other birds had brought their surviving eggs with them. Most eggs had been crushed, so Sir Banco grabbed what ones he could and ran off. He was unable to fly, having carrying the eggs in his wings. He ran to the Lower Quarters and grabbed a big bag. He placed the eggs inside the bag and put it on his back, then he took to the sky. As he flew away he turned around to see, the last good kingdom falling to the ground. It crashed below the mountain, Sir Banco was close enough to see his friends bones and blood, as well as other bird's bodies. The Owls gathered in one place in the sky, but Sir Banco knew better then to stand around. He flew off into the unknown lands, beyond what he knew.
The SkyWatchers Book 1: The Rise {COMPLETED!!}
Adventure{Completed} A book about birds and their kingdoms. My first book so it is mostly going to be an "eh" story. Just a warning that there will be cursing and blood.