Chapter Two

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     I woke up in my living room, the air smelt strongly of pancakes. Ah, must be Andrew.

    I sleepily crawled out from under my blanket and made my way to the kitchen where Andrew stood at the stove, pouring batter into a pan. I wrapped my arms around him from behind and planted a soft kiss on his jaw,

"Good morning love." He turned to me with a smile and kissed me on the lips. 

"I made you some pancakes." Andrew said, he then flipped a pancake onto a plate for me. I removed my arms from his waist and grabbed some syrup from the pantry. I then drowned my pancake and brought it to the couch where I grabbed the remote and turned on the T.V. After cleaning up the kitchen Andrew joined me on the couch. 

     We finished our breakfast and Andrew had told me to get dressed.

"Where are we going babe?" I yelled from my room while changing shirts. I walked out of my room when Andrew put his finger to my lips and whispered a "Shh." He turned his back and began to walk away,

"Oh, and don't forget your camera!" he said as he picked up my keys

"I'll meet you in the car." The front door closed shut. He's so sweet, planning things being all mysterious like, damn I love him. I grabbed a coat, my phone, and locked the door behind me. I climbed into the passenger seat of my car, Andrew always loves to drive my car but I don't mind, it just means that I can scroll through my Tumblr feed more.

"Francis, we're here." The car came to a stop, I looked up and saw a garden. Yes, my favorite garden, this is where Andrew and I had our first kiss. I smiled at him as he walked to my door and opened it for me, I grabbed my camera and hopped out of the car.

"So, what's your plan for today?" I asked, handing him the camera. Andrew loves taking pictures, especially when they're of me. We walked into the entrance of the garden and immediately Andrew's eyes lit up, I could tell his mind had just sparked with inspiration.

"Go sit on that bench over there." Andrew said to me, pointing at a worn looking, wooden bench in the middle of a patch of tulips. 

     I made my way through the beautiful flowers, and softly sat down on the old seat in fear of it breaking from under me. But soon after I figured it was stable I got more comfortable with it. I raised my knees to my chest, wrapping one arm around my newly shaven legs, I pulled a pastel purple tulip from the ground and held it to my nose. I smiled and looked at Andrew, I heard the snap of the picture being taken by Andrew. 

"Perfect." I hear him say quietly.

     After changing locations in the magnificently large garden a few times and taking many pictures, Andrew finally put the camera back in its bag and walked over to me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me close, he softly put his lips on mine and kissed me slowly. Andrew then took his hands off my waist and reached for his back pocket. He furrowed his eyebrows as he searched both back pockets until he finally found what he was looking for. 

"Francis, I really love you and I know that today isn't exactly special-" Andrew opened his hand, uncovering a beautiful silver necklace with a butterfly charm attached to it. 

"-but I saw this while I was out and it just made me think of you. Considering how much you love butterflies." He's completely right, I love butterflies, and I love this necklace.

"I love it!" My grin was taking up most of my face. I jumped into Andrew's arms and proceeded to kiss him until my phone buzzed in my back pocket. He let me down and I checked my phone, it was a text from Evie. It said how she has some new boyfriend or something. Probably won't last, I love Evie to bits, but her relationships almost never last. 

"It was just Evie." I said, assuring Andrew's curiosity. 

"I feel like going home." I grabbed my camera bag and began walking to the exit, Andrew trailing behind me.

     On the way back to my house we decided to stop at the store and pick up some things for dinner, Andrew had said he would cook me spaghetti, he knows that's my favorite thing to eat. 

     Once we get home Andrew quickly begins cooking, he's a great chef. I set the table for us two and then began to help make the spaghetti sauce. Cooking with Andrew was probably one of my favorite things that we do together, I mean, he normally does most of the cooking, but I help.

     After we ate we just sat at the table and talked for a bit until we noticed that it was already 10 o'clock at night. 

"Shit, I have to go!" Andrew said in a worried tone, but I too was worried, after we left the garden the weather outside began to worsen. It was currently sleeting outside, I didn't want Andrew to drive home in these conditions.

"Hey, so, why don't you just spend the night here?" I said nervously biting my lip. 



Hey, so I hope everyone liked this chapter, leave any feedback you have in the comments. Constructive criticism is always helpful :)

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