A Mindless University

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Chapter 1


"Oh my gosh" I said while feeling my alarm clock to find the snooze button.

"My first day of college is finally here,I can't believe this is actually happening!"I yelled again at the top of my lungs i'm pretty sure the neighbors heard me cause I heard the neighbors baby cry.

I made my way to the bathroom to brush my teeth and flat iron my hair. which took at least 20minutes to do considering I have to oil my scalp and every thing.

I walked out the bathroom smiling,I walked to my closet.

"What to were,what to were, ah found it"

I took out a a purple I <3nerds t-shirt with some faded black skinny jeans and white converse. I striped out of my pj's

And slipped on my morning attire

I ran done the steps with my back pack, suitcases,parents and brother in tow.

"Come on mom and dad and tony,I don't want to be late for my first day in college! I yelled

"Calm down YN were coming"they yelled back

They walked down stairs in slow motion as if they were in a movie.

"Come on we don't have time for this" I said impatiently while tapping my foot.

I set off to run to the car,before I was tackled to the ground by my annoy little sister Vicky

"Don't leave YN! Please stay!" Vicky whimpered

" I have to,I'm sorry Vic"

I said in a annoy tone and pulled her off.

I gave mom and dad a kiss on the cheek and gave my brother a bear hug.

I walked out the door to my white Chevy car and pack my suit case and bag in truck.

"Crap forgot my phone and car keys!"

I ran back inside the house.my dad surprisingly thought I would forget something so he throw my car keys and phone at me in a playful manner.

"Thanks dad!"I yelled with my back turned to the door

"Your welcome sweetie"he yelled back

From there I hopped in my car and sped away into the morning sun,while lil wanye blasted through my car speakers.

I reach to the college with 20 minutes to spear.

I turned off my car and walk through the double doors of mindless university.

I walk slowly to the front desk careful not to embarrass my self. I tend to trip over things for some reason

"Welcome to mindless university,how my I help you today ma'am?" A kind lady with black uniform asked

"Hi ms. Uhh" I was cut off by her speaking again

"Ms.Cornell"she spoked with a smile

"We'll hi Ms.Cornell,I'm YN LN(last name)I am the new student."I said happily

"Well hello Ms.LN we have your name right here."she smiled and handed you your room key.

"Thank you Mrs.Cornell" I said

"Your welcome"she said her eyes wondering back to the computer

I walked away and look down at my room key

"206 huh, that shouldn't be hard to find

I walked on wondering down the halls to find my new little home

"201......203....206,ah here it is"I exclaimed to my self.

I swiped the card and turn the knob to enter my fresh new dorm.

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