The early sleepover

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I walked back to my dorm lost in thought.

"Hey wait up!" Bonnie yelled as she tried to catch up to my pace.

"Yeah"I said as she walked closer to me

"Wanna come over for a sleep over at my dorm tonight at 8? She said at of breathe

"Sure what do I bring and what's your room number" I said while taking my iPhone out my pocket

"Chips,cookies anything really and its 211Bonnie said now gaining her composure again

"Mkay" I said smiling then walked off but turn back around quickly again

" oh and Bonnie?" I said with my smile now Turning into a frown

"Hmm" she said

"Sorry about how I acted earlier today"I said sadly

"It's ok" Bonnie said then walked away

I turned back around and walked off to my room

*2hours and 30minutes later*

I looked at the clock on the wall.

"Mkay 7:30 it's almost time" I squealed in excitement

I was sitting on my bed in short shorts and a tight tank top and my hair in a sloppy bun. I also had my king size Hershey's and skittles in my hand.

"7:50,7:53well it's almost time so I better go." I slipped on my sandals and walked out of my dorm with my card so I can lock the door.

I walked do the hall to find 211 which wasn't very hard since Bonnie's room was 6 doors down from mine.

I walked to her dorm and check my phone.

8:00on the dot

I knocked on the door and I was greeted by Bonnie lite up face

"Heyyyy!" Bonnie squealed while giving me a tight hug

"Hi" I said while getting out of her embrace and walked inside with Bonnie in tow

I put down my Hershey and skittles on the nearby table

"Hey YN" the boys said in unison,the sound of there voice made me jump

"Hey guys" I said while going to sit on the floor were everyone else is

For a few minutes we sat in silence until prodigy spook up

"Lets play truth or dare" he beamed

" no lets play confessions"Princeton said with a smile while looking at me in a creepy kinda way

"No lets play never have it ever" roc said

Then all three of the boys got in an argument.

"hey!"Bonnie screamed

Silencing everyone " since YN is are guest we will let her chose"Bonnie explained

All the boys looked at me with hopefully eyes

"...............confessions" I said uneasily

Princeton fist pumped the air mouthing "yes" while the other boys groaned.


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