Awkward..or nah?

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Sorry I haven't been uploading this story, please don't hate me lol😬 but I'm here now so....let's BEGIN!!


" Princeton don't go scaring the girl now" Bonnie warned

" who said I was though?" Prince said now smirking at me

"Why the hell do you keep doing that, like is that even normal?" I asked

"Doing what?.... You mean this" he said smirking at me

"Princeton leave that girl alone! Like..gosh your so creepy" roc said yelling at him

" alright, damn so let's start with Roc since your the most aggravating" Princeton said a bit to harshly.

" Well I used to...well I lost my virginity at 5...." Roc said looking down in shame

Bonnie covered her mouth in shock.

I haven't even known her for a day and she is so dramatic.

"Well that's...interesting.... How did you even know how to have sex?" Prodigy asked curiously

" that's a answer only I should know...Bonnie your next" Roc answer quietly

" I actually don't have a confession honestly.. I've never done anything 'dirty' before"

Well that's something you don't here everyday.

"Princeton" Bonnie said sharply

Speaking of him , Princeton has been staring at me through this whole game like he is trying read me or something.

"Huh?.. Oh my confession...right..uh.." He said nervously

" Say it damn it" Roc said imapatiently

" I like Punk rock music"

"Well that's nothing to be ashamed of!" I said finally speaking through all the silence.

"... Well I like to sing" prodigy said finally speaking up.

"My parents don't like it though because they think singing is for

'Basic' people"

"Well that's stupid... Follow your dreams prodigy! Don't let your parents hold you back from what you wanna do."Roc pointed out

And then there is me....

" I've been raped, I always need someone near me sometimes because I'm kinda..traumatized by it ..." I said almost above a whisper

I know it's a crappy, short, boring chapter please let me know if I should delete it😐 but... I know you were expecting some shocking things but I guess I'm not a very 'open-minded person' lol. Anyways Vote and comment!

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