The Greeting of the awkward crew

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I look under the bed and saw...a boy a weird but cute boy

"Wassup" the unknown person says awkwardly

"Uhh hi unknown"I said un sure if I should be weirded out or happy that I found a boy in my room

"Oh the name ray ray or ray 2wice if you catch my drift." He in a cocky but playful tone.

But me being the must lost person in the world asked "what drift?"

"Uh never mind, I guess I must be going then"he walked off he was half way to touching the door knob before I stopped him

"Wait" I said much quicker then I thought

"Yes" Ray Ray said happily as if nothing happened.

"How did you get in my room" I ask questionably

''Locksmith" he said in a deeper tone

"Had how'd you know I'd be in this room" I asked

"News travels my dear" and with that he left

I just stood there stunned but then eventually got out of my trace and walked back to my makeup bag. When I was about to put the last of my makeup away I stepped on something.I look down

"Eww gross!" I stepped in a half eaten soft taco

"That niglet ray crap or whatever his name is left food on my brand new now used to be clean floor,great I just got here and I already have to clean" I mumbled

I cleaned up the mess and then sprayed 409cleaning supply on the floor to get that stain off (A/N the room floor is carpet)

"That boy gonna hear from me the next time I see him" I sing-songed

-20 minutes later-

~In the lunch room~

"Did you hear about the new girl YN she is totally hot I would date her maybe even smash her!" A random dude whispered

" who? No way that can't be the YN LN in this building" another girl whispered

I walked down hallways of the lunch room to be bombarded with stares and turning heads and smiles and some disgusted faces.

I guess this college didn't have a new student here in a long time. I am like the talk of the whole school.

"Ayy new girl! Over here"

A random dark head girl called out

All the eyes went off me and back to there own bussiness

I walked over there to see what she wanted

"Yes? And my names not new girl my names YN if you didn't already no." She kinda just shrugged of my last comment.

" do you wanna...sit with us? You seemed lost.''

She said kindly

" I found my way to the lunch room and to my dorm so what makes you think I lost" I said like it was the must obvious thing in the world

"You know just a kind thought,well I'm Bonny and this is Prodigy,Roc Royal, and Princeton"

The boys just waved sliently and I just returned the same greeting.

So now I scratch making friends off my bucket list now all I have to do is

•find my ride or die

•find my bestie

•secretive buddy

•and lastly a boyfriend

I know I have a weird bucket list don't judge

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