Time x And x Place

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Authors note:

I made this fic a few years back and I keep getting emails about it still, so I thought I'd re-visit and fix it up and turn it into something I'm proud to let people read. Thank you to all who have been encouraging me to continue to write, this is because of you. <3


Gon can't sit still, unable to get comfortable knowing someone is watching him. He looks down at the meal infront of him, getting colder by the second.

"Should we ask for a picture?"
"Oh my God yes, it'll be so cute I can't believe he's here in Yorbia!"

Across the softly lit diner, giggling and commenting on him and his appearance, were a gaggle of identical looking girls. They all had on similar outfits, similar hair styles, they were carbon copy's of one another. Gon let his chopsticks worm out of his fingers and they greeted the dish below with a hearty clank before they stilled. He quickly got up to put on his sweater slapping 20 jenny on the table near his half-eaten meal, and shot forward out of the restaurant without a second thought.

Encounters like this had been happening in public all over after he finished his previous mission with the 3 star Terrorist Hunter, Botobai Gigante. The villain they tracked down together, Doltov, had a taste for large scale public attacks and was the owner of a deadly nen ability wreaking havoc in Yorknew. Botobai requested that Gon help after the casualties got too high, due to the teen being the only hunter with enough experience in the immediate area to deal with such a situation. Gon subdued the terrorist with Botobai and rescued a number of big shot celebrities in the area. After his helpful defusal with Botobai, Gon's popularity blew up all over the internet. For other hunters, being the limelight of many magazines and news channels was all they could ever ask for, but Gon wasn't thirsting for fame. He preferred to keep a low profile which was almost impossible to do now.

News reporters and rabid fans came out of the wood-works, swarming not only Gon, but his friends and family as well. Every Hunter magazine outlet and case study curator desperate to get the scoop on Gon's nen ability.
Or lack thereof.

He ended up having to move Mito out of Whale Island and over to where he was living in the far eastern parts of the Yorbian continent, leagues away from Yorknew and all of its rabid inhabitants. Despite the continuous effort though, Gon seemed to possess bad enough luck to somehow get recognized in his favorite mom n' pop eatery.

Gon thought hard about moving Mito into his home, hoping that she wouldn't be too uncomfortable staying so far away from where she's lived all her life. To combat his fears, Gon made a custom addition to his house that was similar to his old home on Whale Island. He crafted item after item for his aunt as well as himself, filling up their home in his free time. The young hunter ended up growing restless amid the busy-keep though, he couldn't seem to preoccupy his mind like he occupied his hands.

It's been months working on this project, I guess I'm not suprised it's not distracting me anymore.

Deciding he should finally take a break from ' eating sawdust ', Gon put down the chair he was assembling and stepped outside. Dull light from over the rolling hills and mountains painted a picturesque scene before him. So much serenity compared to what he used to deal with on the daily. Feeling overwhelmed with thought, Gon stepped out from his small workshop and aimlessly stared around his property. He eyed his favorite gathering of trees and slowly made his way across the land to take a load off, letting his feet thread into the grass as he took a dive into his mind.

Every day the teen felt a pull in his chest, the feelings swirling inside his consciousness weighed on his mind so heavily he could barely focus on house work anymore. He only ever felt like this when his thoughts came to dwell on certain people in his life. Gon has put off seeing his friends ever since he was a preteen, alongside his feelings of loss for them, the concern of rejection has spread through his mind like an infection as well.

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