Growing x Anxiety

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Shit, do I call him again? It's been a couple days. I wonder if he's okay, yeah he's done this before, I shouldn't be worried. But that was when Leorio and Kurapika were with him. Well, he's older now, he should be fine. I just need to cal-


Killua picked his phone up out of his pocket and read the big block letters that floated across the screen.

We're almost there, storm is pretty bad so docking is gonna' be delayed by a few hours. See you soon!~

"Stupid..." Killua says to himself. His worries of Gon were nothing more than some feverish daydreams, he takes a few breaths and starts to steady himself. Dragging his hand through his smooth hair he looks up out his window. His apartment is small for being on the outskirts of Zaban City, it's a one bed stand alone bathroom with a small kitchenette paired with a comfy living room.

Killua decided to get an apartment separate from his sister, he's spent the past 6 months with her undercover and they both felt like they were in dire need of a break from one another. Despite his sister's protests, Killua also doesn't want Alluka to get in the way of him and his best friend catching up. She can see him again some other time.

The assassin paced around his cozy apartment trying to keep himself from over thinking by focusing on the heavy rain which fell like bullets against the roof and windows.

Calm down, there is zero reason to be this worked up over meeting Gon again.

Maybe it was being kept from socializing for the past half-a-year, or maybe it was just Killua's worsening anxiety, but he couldn't stop thinking about the fact that he could really mess this all up if he wasn't careful. As he's gotten older, it seems his anxieties have only doubled in size.

Mess what up? We're too close of friends for me to mess anything up.. hopefully.

Killua let a loud aggravated groan reverberate throughout his apartment before he threw himself onto his bed. He thought about fixing his sheets and doing some laundry, maybe putting a load of dishes in the dish-washer, or at least something, anything really, a task along those lines to keep his mind occupied. Instead though, like always, he let his mind wander. To thoughts about his friends and the distance between them until he was pulled into a warm, soothing unconsciousness.



Killua awoke to drool on his arm and a ringing phone, he contemplated answering but he groggily wiped his mouth and rolled back over instead.


His eyes shot open and he let a lethargic groan peel its way out of his dry throat. "Mhmm... Alright, alright!"
Killua yelled as he slung his hand swiftly over his head and pressed answer on his phone.
Gon dragged out his name, the loudness of his friends voice waking him up fully.

"Huh? What... what is it Gon? I just woke up." Killua rubbed his eyes and stretched as he put his phone on speaker and started to get up.

"I don't know where your place is! Could you maybe send me the address?" Gon sounded like there was a damper on his mood and Killua started to understand why.

"Crap! I'm sorry I messed up," his skin prickled with embarrassment as he started to fully get up out of his bed. "tell me where you are I'll meet you there, let me just get ready.. You haven't been standing in the rain this whole time have you?"

"Not this whole time, only part of it." Gon joked " Anyways, I'm at the docking bay, I thought I could pick up your scent and find you when I got here, but the rain is messing with my nose." Killua's mood brightened a little, remembering how they're both a little slow sometimes. He picked up the phone and held it by his waist.

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