Thinking X Out X Loud

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Silence filled the air between the boys as they walked back to the apartment, neither of them knew what to say despite the novellas being conceptualized in both of their minds. The slow beat of their footsteps against the grass and the rustling of leaves among the breeze were the only sounds keeping them from complete quite.
The walk seemed longer when it wasn't being made in a fevered chase, and even longer now when coupled with the duo's uncertainty.
Despite the matter at hand though, Killua seemed to be quite positive. His outlook on Gon's potential to make progress only heightened every time he glanced over to make sure he was visibly okay. One look at the sun-kissed hunter and you could practically hear the gears turning in his head.

"You're going to hurt yourself if you keep all those thoughts bouncing around in there you know."

Gon's gaze lifted from the ground in front of him and rested onto Killua.

"Do you remember that day we parted ways? At Swardani city before I climbed the world tree?" He faced forward again, eyes set on the passing grass."For some reason despite talking to Kite, despite being told it was okay, it's still so hard to let go of what happened. Of what I lost."

Killua's thoughts slowed, thinking back to the state he saw Gon in. How devastatingly powerful he was, how lost he became in grief; what he had to give up as his restriction to achieve that form.

"It's a miracle you can even use nen still Gon." Killua paused, thinking carefully over his words.
"When it all first happened, even after a few years had gone by and you had nothing, I was starting to think it would never come back. I was starting to think your nen contract actually fuffilled itself."

Gon kept his head straight, the aura of fear and pain was so palpable to Killua. He could practically feel Gon doting on his every word and the silence told him everything he needed to know. Gon really did give everything in that moment.

"But you surpassed my fears. I can feel it coming back and I know you can feel it too and thats why you're so beat up about it. You're back at square one."

Killua let his friend mull over what he just said, let the realization sink in for both of them. Their paces slowed as they reached the black top again, the slight hum of the street lights and distant voices brought them back into civilization. Gon seemed to steady at this.

" It makes you think about where I would be if I wasn't so rash, huh?"
Gon spoke softly, a lightness in his voice, a humor almost.
"It's funny. I never thought you would be stronger than me and here we are, I felt how much you've progressed earlier when you were coming after me. You dropped Zetsu and I felt floored by your presence."

"What are you getting at, Gon?"
Killua stopped in his tracks and lightly placed his hand on Gon's shoulder. The emotional warmth he felt from his friend when he first arrived seemed to have recessed within him. A small part of Killua was hoping to find that again at this moment.

"I want you to help me."

Before Killua could even begin to think about the request, a familiar presence entered into their vicinity. Gon wavered
due to the oncoming force and he picked up his defenses. Gon followed suit of Killua's default and shrouded himself in a blanket of Zetsu.

Gon peaked around the corner they stopped at, a block from Killuas apartment. All was still in this part of town except for one robed figure slowly approaching, their stride spoke for them, they were coming for the boys.


Gon's heart fluttered, he looked to Killua for any sense of fear but his friend was unwavering. Gon wasn't exactly expecting a fight when he came to Zaban city, he hadn't faught against a nen weilder in years. That terrorist that he helped Botobai capture wasn't even a threat by the time Gon finished with damage control. The possible enemy that loomed before them made him swallow hard.

As the figure approached, the duo was able to make out more of their appreance, a long silk hakama bellowed in the sea breeze. The deep greens absorbing the street lights glow, shades of pink and reds revealed themselves as the nen user stopped in front of the pair.

"I've been trying to find you everywhere, answer your cell phone will you? What if I was in danger and needed your help!"
The familiar girls voice greeted Gon's ears softly but the power behind her words was palpable.

"You're not a baby anymore Alluka, you're more than capable of defending yourself."
Killua brushed his sister off lightly.

"Alluka?" Questioned Gon, she finally made notice of her brothers old friend only after she heard his voice.

"Gon! I barely noticed you, how long have you been here? Actually how long have you been standing there. Did you do that on purpose?" Killua rolled his eyes at this and crossed his arms, his sisters revelation of Gon's presence seemed irksome to him.

"I uh, yeah. I got here just earlier today, or really yesterday for that matter." Gon stumbled over his words surprised not only by seeing Alluka here but the change in her apperance and bold display of her power. Alluka eyed Gon up and down and shrugged, she left a half smile on her small pale face.

"You and Big Brother are the same, you guys talk different now. You both always speak like you're constipated or something."

Killua guffawed at this. " It's because we're thinking before we speak Alluka. You should try it sometime." Killua smirked playfully at his sister, it seemed their friendship has grown in the years they spent together. Despite verbally sounding uncaring, Killua's affection was evident in tone.

"Yeah yeah." She pushed her brother to the side and stood in front of Gon, he craned his head down as she approached so he remained looking at her.

"Its good to see you Gon"
Alluka gave Gon a gentle hug and smiled up at him. Gon looked to his friend answered only by the gaze he laid upon them both; such a suffocatingly gentle expression.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2022 ⏰

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