Part 1

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J u s t i n ' s  P o v

"F-faster, Justin!" Anna screams in pleasure as I deeply thrust into her, making the the headboard hit the back of the wall repeatedly with a loud bang. I then go faster as she pleads to me, digging her nails into my back, making me let out a low growl. After the both of us reached our climax, I rod down our highs then pulled out and rolled the condom off my long length, throwing it on the floor not really giving a fuck. I then fall right next to her on my bed without giving a care to cover my naked self.

"That was amazing," Anna breathes out, trying to regain her breath. You can say that I consider her as my main fuck buddy, but that doesn't stop me from getting more action from others if ya know what I mean.

"Close the door on your way out." I tell her straight forward as I stare at the ceiling with my hands behind my head. Anna quickly sits up with the sheets covering her naked body. "What?" She asks in disbelief. "You heard me, Anna." I bluntly say back to her.

"Why do you always do this?! You never let me spend the night with you after we have sex! Maybe I don't wanna feel completely used like I'm doing this just for you only, Justin!" She frustratingly shouts to me while throwing her hands up in the air to make some sort of point. "Maybe because you are," I say with a smirk coming across my face.

"You know what, fine! I will leave!" She tells me while getting up from my bed and changing right in front of me, giving me a full on view of her body. And my, does she look sexy right now. How could you be thinking like that right after what just happened?! My conscience scolds me.

Well, it's simple. Because that's just who I am. I wouldn't worry because this happens all the time. She makes a big deal of why I do what I do, then she gets mad, and after she has her time alone, she always comes back for more. I mean, come on, no one can resist this. After Anna made her way to the front door of my house, I heard her forcefully slam it.

Damn, I didn't say break the door on your way out.

Getting up from my bed, I made my way into the shower after getting a pair of clean, fresh boxers out of my drawer.

T h e  N e x t  D a y  A t  S c h o o l

As I was making my way through the halls, I saw most of the girls drooling over me while standing next to their lockers. Yeah, I know, I'm just too sexy that everybody wants a taste of me. I wink at some of them and they start blushing. I guess I just have that special affect on the girls.

"Hey bieber!" My two dorks of friends say as they make their way to me across the hall. "Hey Ryan, Chaz." I say back to my boys, greeting them with a bro hug. We've all been best friends since kids and we just grew up with each other through the times. "So what have you been doing lately bieber?" Chaz asks. "Well, since you want to know, I've been doing Anna lately." I say as I smirk to him. "Justin, you knew what I meant!" Chaz says to me, hitting my chest.

I obviously knew what he ment too, but I just couldn't help myself but say something dirty. "Sorry dude." I apologize while smirking at him still. "Hey, do you wanna shoot some hoops after school Justin?" Ryan says, completely ignoring me and chaz' conversation. "Sure." I reply back to him.

"Hey! What about me guys?! Can't leave me hanging!" Chaz suddenly says to the both of us with a pout sprawled on his face. "Okay Chaz, fine.." Ryan said to chaz. "Yay!" Chaz squeals, pretending to sound like a girl. I don't even know how we became friends. "Don't make Ryan regret it." I annoyingly, but playfully say to Chaz. "Now let's get to class before we're all late guys." Ryan said to us. Like I give a shit, but oh well. I guess it wouldn't hurt to not be late again for the millionth time.


As I was eating with the boys in our usual spot in lunch, Chaz said something that caught my attention. "Justin, look at that smoking girl behind you!" I look to where he tells me and fuck, this chick was better than smoking.

"Can't wait to get in her pants." I mumble while still looking at her from afar. "I don't think this time dude." Ryan says to me as he heard what I said. "And why not?" I ask Ryan. "Just go up to her and see." He tells me. Well, okay then.

A r i a n a ' s  P o v

The schools biggest 'player' unexpectedly comes up to where I was sitting when I was just eating with my friend, Elizabeth. Yeah, he's hot, but I'm not like all those other girls who constantly have heart eyes and drool over just a boy. "Hey, I'm assuming you know me." He says to me as he's smirking. Cocky much? I wish I didn't know him so I could tell him no to surprise him and wipe that stupid smirk right off his face, but apparently I do know him since practically everyone does around here.

"Yeah? What do you want?" I sassily tell him while looking straight at him in the eye. He looks taken back after I said that. Probably thinking I was gonna be like all the other girls and be an easy target. Ha! Yeah right. After he regained himself, he said to me, "I just never noticed you here, are you new? I also couldn't help but see you for the first time as pure beauty in my eyes."

I didn't know whether to take the first part as offensive, and is that the best that the school "player" can come up with? "I'm not even new here. I've been here. You've just been to busy with sluts to even acknowledge me. And Look, if your trying to get into my pants, it ain't gonna work because I'm a tough cookie, so go back to where you came from and don't bother me again." I say with attitude.

"Dang, your feisty. I like it." Justin tells me with that smirk still spread across his face. "Are you serious?" I said in utter disbelief. "Yup, and just wait and see, I ain't giving up princess." Justin proudly said. "Yeah, okay." I say as I laugh. After he walks away Elizabeth says, "What just happened Ari?" I'm wondering the same thing.

J a s o n ' s  P o v

I don't know what intrigues me to Ariana, but I like it. Just wait and see, she will come to me like all the others before.




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