chapter 5

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I met up with Roy and Teddy at the train track, they were smoking cigars and leaning against make out car. Make out car was the car where you basically make out with people. It was where Jo kiss Cara. I hate that car now."Aye R" Teddy says.
"I lost your loader" I say. Teddy looked at Roy and he just shrugged. "You didn't need it anyway" that was Roy, he wasn't the one to pull his weight around. I grab a beer from the car, I wasn't a big drinker but after today I needed one. I sat on the hood and relax there. Randell, Tony,and Gilbert found there way to the car sometimes. "Two kids died yesterday" I say to no one, it wasn't even in the conversation. I just said it. "It was two Wester's" Randall says cracking up.
"Dose it matter" I snap at him.
"Two kids died yesterday,Dosent matter if they were Wester's or hoods-"
"It dose matter" Randell says "They will probably be in the paper, parents probably put their casket in solid gold and the mayor show up there, what do we get a article and a whole bunch of bad kids shit"
"But dose it matter! THERE DEAD! THERE DEAD! GONE" I yell at him. I hop off the hood and turn to him. I never really liked randell. But now I was pissed. Pissed because I couldn't believe they wouldn't care. But I didn't care either. "You need to chill" teddy says holding me back. "Nah, let him be, it shows that He's human" Roy says. I push from Teddy and punch the car. Dead.Gone. I punch the car again. They didn't stop me while I punch the car. They just nodded and carry on their lives. My fist was bloody when I stopped. I sat on the ground and grab the beer "You all done there sport?" Roy said. The others laugh and began calling me pussy names. I got up and shake off the dirt on my jeans. Roy grab me by my shirt"All gangs matter" he says then let me go. I step back. Teddy grab me next "Fighting can only lead to death or fear" he says. I know they were just saying this to cheer me up. I wish they didn't, I knew I was the wimpest of all of them. But I wasn't, I was just as strong as them. A car pulled up to the tracks. It stop altogether like it was looking for one of us. Then he got out. The man I pull the loader on. He got out and went straight towards me. I grab my switch blade and pull it out"Get away" I snap. He just kept walking. Could I kill him? Maybe. I could've if I wanted to. I could kill anyone if I wanted to. Roy step in front me"Don't" was all he said. He let the man come up as he blow his smoke"what you want?"
"Him, that little shit"
"That little shit is my brother and I ain't gonna let a old man come and try to fight" Roy threw his cigarette to the ground and step closer"Now leave and if you don't, I'm gonna murder you"
"I's that s treat boy?"
Roy just kinda looked at him"yes it is, now get" Teddy handed Roy a loader and Roy click it back and point at him. My body froze. I knew Roy would kill him. Roy didn't have any feelings. A boy without feelings is dangerous, he ain't got nothing to lose."Like your really gonna shot me boy" he said.
Before I could say anything Roy pulled the Trigger. The bullet hit his right shoulder knocking the man down. Everyboby ran. He was a goner for sure. I ran over to him"What's your name?" I ask him. He just kinda looked at me"What?" His voice was a whisper."what's your name?"
"Clade" he said. Then I got up and ran to the store. Drop some change into the payphone "Hello this is 912 what's your emergency?"
"A guy got shot" I say.
I hung up. If I told her where then she's know who to blame. I quickly ran from the store into the house. The man name is clade. Did Roy know that? I bet he didn't. I bet he didn't.

Mom,Cara, and Mason were eating peanut butter and jelly sandwichs. "Want one?" Mom asked me."No" if I ate now I'll surely throw it up. I can still see the man blood coming out his arm. I felt bad for him, But he hurt cara, bad things happen to bad people. I sat with em"I'm glad you came it sounded like a firework went off outside" mom said. It wasn't a firework I wanted to say. It was a bullet. I tried to see cara but she and Mason were into a conversation. I get it if she hated me. I hated me, I let a man get killed today. "Where were you?" Mason asked. Couldn't say the train tracks cause then...they would know"Poppa Hou"
"Oh!" Mom said turning around"If I known you were going to Poppa Hou I would've good you to get me some things." "Want me to now?" I needed a reason to get out the house even if leaving meant going shopping. "Alright she says, I'll write you a list" mom said as ran into her room. I went by the sink and grab the rag, turn the cold water on, and gently wet it. I sat on the stool and pulled my boots up. I saw the drips of blood. I smack it across the other side of my boot and shin em. Mom came back and handed me the list:
Baking soda
Dish soap
3 pounds of lunch meat
Apple pie
Orange juice.
I nodded to mom and headed out.

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