Chapter 5 - Confessions, Confessions, Confessions

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**Note: Y'know how I havenn't given you a descirption of Irene Andree yet? Well, that's because I hate giving the cheesy 'Name, hair colour, eye colour, etc.' descriptions.' I feel as though you might as well start of with 'hi my name is so and so i have blond hair an blue eyes and I'mreallllly pretty and...' Ugh. Anyway, you'll be getting a bit description of Ren in this chapter, and maybe a little more on Lors. Eventually, within a few chapters, you'll have a good idea of their looks and personalities - I plan to build up on that gruaaaaadually.

Go on, read it. I know my Author's Note is boring you.

" gotta tone it down, honey." 

And that, my friends, was the memorable moment when Irene Andree cracked. I didn't think she ever would, but I guess this was her stopping point. She was rubbing her hair caramel brown (notblonde, Irene never was blonde) absentmindedly between her fingers, her hazelnut eyes out of focus and her gaze on a nearby candle.

She sucked in her breath, and finally, spoke - but when she did, her words were quiet, yet every syllable clearly pronounced. "Was it really... that... obvious?" She lifted her gaze to look into our faces.

"Well..." Angelina began, "It was..." Seeing Ren's pained expression, she quickly continued, "But I can see it in his eyes. He cares, too."

"Ha ha." Ren's voice cracked. I hadn't heard it crack since she was beyond ill. "George Weasley likes me. Real funny, Ang. Hilarious." But, contrary to her words, I'm positive I saw a small flutter of hope in her eyes.

"He does," I said defiantly. "You're just both too blind to see it." For the first time since we started picking on her, Ren smiled.

"Like you and Fred, you mean?"

Whoa. Hold there. I like Fred? Lauren Key likes Fred Weasley? What?! Since when?!

"I... I..." 

"Lauren Key, just confess already. You. Like. Fred. Weasley. C'est vrai."

Alicia grinned evilly, and Katie's eyes widened. "This is a record!" She exclaimed. "Ten minutes in, and we've already got two confessions!"

"Hey! I did not say I liked Fred."

"But you do..."

Do I? I thought of the boy, his unruly red hair, mischievous brown eyes, long arms... No, Lors. Focus. Ah, the voice at the back of my head is back. Right. I don't like Fred. That's right, Lors. You don't like Fred. Yes. I don't. He's just a friend. Yup. Now just answer the question and stop them from gawking at you like mad puffer fish. Yessir. Now say, 'I don't like Fred.' Go on. Now? Yes, now. Go.

"I... I..."

"Just say it, already." Alicia seemed to be impatient. "So we can get Katie to spill the beans."

"Hey!" Katie threw a chocolate frog and hit Alicia right on the nose.

"Thanks, Katie." Alicia ate the frog. And then... Well, then they reverted to their old ways of staring at me, as I did not  answer as that voice at the back of my head told me to. 

"Oh, fine. For the sake of getting Katie to spill the beans, I'll say it. Imightkindamaybebutprobablynoteventhoughthere'saslightpossibilitylikeFred."

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