Chapter 2

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Stormy's POV

I walked into my room and slammed the door closed. 'I swear your bipolar just like your dad' god what did I do wrong?! I sat on my bed and put my head in my hands. "Mom, please, I need you." I whispered. I looked up expecting to see my mom but I didn't see her. I looked around my room and saw my new skateboard my dad had gotten me. This one had the batman logo on it. I smiled and grabbed it, then climbed out my window and got on my board and headed towards the skatepark, where I saw Vincent and Louis. I smiled and started walking towards them.

Dahvies POV

I sighed ad got up from the couch and walked upstairs to Stormys room. I sighed and knocked on her door. "Storm? Can I come in?" I asked quietly. Nothing. "Storm?" I asked as I opened the door and looked around her room. I didn't see Stormy anywhere. "Stormy!" I yelled. Nothing. I ran out of her room and downstairs where I saw Jayy out on the back porch taking a hit on his bong. I opened the back door, " hey man have you seen Storm?" I asked him. He looked up at me confused. "What do you mean? She's in her room?" He said. I shook my head. His face completely dropped and stood up fast and started walking into the house.

Jayy's POV

I walked into he house dialing Stormys phone. It rang about four times then she answered. "Hey dad!" She said sounding out of breath. "Where are you?" I asked scared. "I'm at the skatepark, why is everything ok?" She asked me. "Why didnt you tell me where you were going?" I asked her. "I'm sorry dad, I was just upset and I climbed out of my window and just came here, I'm sorry." She said sounded upset. "Please come home sweetie." I said to her. "Ok, I'll be there in about 5 minutes dad. Love you." She said to me. "I love you too Sprinkle." I hung up and let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. I put my phone back in my pocket and ran into someone small I looked down and saw it was Jen.

"Oh, I'm sorry." She said to me and started walking away from me. I sighed and walked to the front door and wait for Stormy to get home. I heard heavy footsteps and looked up to see Adrian looking worried. "Dahvie told me he didn't know where Stormy was, do you?" He asked I nodded, he let out a breath and leaned against a wall. I laughed and heard distant singing. I looked out the window and saw Stormy holding her skateboard while her earbuds were in her ears. I chuckled and opened the front door and ran out to her and hugged her tight.

"Don't you ever go running off like that again!" I said muffled sense my face was buried in her hair. She giggled and pulled away and kissed cheek. "I promise daddy." She whispered and grabbed my hand and started walking into the house. Dahvie heard the door open and ran out and over to Stormy and hugged her. She just kept her hands to her sides. Dahvie pulled back and I saw the hurt written on his face.

My Sprinkle (sequel to YABMD)Where stories live. Discover now