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Beep Beep. Beep Beep.

What on earth? I was clearly back in a hospital - that familiar smell and sound. Opening my eyes, I took a look around. The room was empty this time. It couldn't possibly have all been a dream could it? A few weeks ago and I would be praying it was, but the idea of me imagining this new life, this new relationship with Tim, saddened me.

I pressed my buzzer to get a nurses attention.

'Hello Mr Blythe, back again I see. Glad you've woke up now though - Dr Christophe was a bit worried there for a minute. Is there anything I can get you whilst I call him back off his break?' Ah, I recognise her face now. And if she's getting Dr Christophe, that means I havent dreamt up Tim.

'No thank you.' I could ask all my questions when the Doctor is here. The nurse goes away and I am left to wonder why I am back here. The last thing I remember is going on a jog.

5 minutes later and the Doctor arrives. 'Hello Jason, how is your head?'

'Fine actually. I just feel a little tired and my body aches. But I remember being on a jog before I woke up - could be that couldn't it?'

'Well I gave you a head CT whilst you were unconscious and it was perfectly fine. Your heart was a bit fast for my liking though. The person that called the ambulance said they caught you out of breath and then you passed out.

Often we find with memory loss, muscle memory stays in tact. It's possible that your body was remembering a past fitness routine, one in which you might not quite be fit enough for any more.

My guess is that you simply over-exerted yourself and this is unrelated to your brain injury.' I nodded in response to show I was following him.

'To be on the safe side, I will get the nurse to do a quick memory test and go over your stats. I would also like you to stay overnight just until that heart goes back to a normal pace. I tried to give Tiffany a call at your house but there was no response. Is there anyone else you would like me to call for you?'

Ah, this was now awkward. What do I tell him? 'Well we broke up so she doesn't live there anymore. Your best off calling Tim, my... Erm well I'll give the nurse the number. You finish your break.' He nod's and walks away.


'Shit Jay, you look like crap!' Tim had dropped what he was doing and came straight to the hospital.

'Charming. I won't call you next time.' I joked.

'Is it your brain? Do you remember everything?'

'Whoa, calm down. I just passed out on a run - nothing to do with my brain they reckon. My memory is the same as yesterday, when you last seen me.' Tim smiled at me and came over to hold my hand.

We had been seeing one another for a few weeks now and it was going well. Except for Tim's reluctance to invite me over to his place - that was starting to worry me slightly. He did keep reassuring me though that he had his reasons and that I had to trust him on this one.

'Well I want you on strict bed rest for the next few days to make sure. Naked bed rest. I can play doctor.' Tim gave me a cheeky wink and I playfully slapped his leg in response.

Throughout the past few weeks, what I was most surprised about what how easily I fell into a comfortable pattern with him - like it was meant to be. I already felt at ease in his company, more so than what I felt with Tiffany. Maybe it was my brains way of showing me that I was now more mature than what I once was and was ready for an adult relationship.

Yes, it was certainly weird that I just so happened to fall for a guy, despite not actually being gay - but I guess with maturity comes a fresh understanding on that sort of thing. It doesn't matter who you are with, as long as you both care for one another. Love one another.

Maybe it's because we are best friends that I can say that so soon. Love. Friends love one another unquestionably, so its easy to think that the minute other feelings start to develop, the love feelings will also change and develop. It feels ok to say already, although I haven't said it out loud to Tim. I know he has fancied me for a very long time but that doesn't mean he is handling this situation as easily as I am, or that now he has me, he loves me.

Its funny but I feel like maybe I have loved him all along without realising it. Perhaps I started to get these feelings before the memory loss, but was too afraid to tell him my feelings thinking it would ruin our friendship. Obviously I had no idea how he really felt about me all that time, and I didn't want to lose the friendship so I kept it quiet.

It's weird how things work out sometimes. I guess I can thank the memory loss for making me happy - something I clearly wasn't when I was with Tiffany...

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