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Beep beep beep. Beep beep beep. I hear strange sounds, nothing like Wolverhampton on a night out. How drunk am I? Is that my alarm going off in the background? Nah, I have the Death March set as my alarm tone on my phone, not beeping.

I try to open my eyes, but they feel heavy. I open them to a squint, and it is white everywhere. When I manage to finally open them fully, I realise I am at a hospital. What the hell happened?

'Jasey-baby, are you awake?' Jasey-baby? I don't recognise the voice, but maybe I am still drunk, and my mom is trying to get me up. Nothing is making sense. I turn to see where the voice is coming from.

Everything is a little blurry as I don't have my glasses on. There is a blonde woman sitting in a chair at the side of me. I have never seen her before in my life.

'Wh-what happened?' I ask.

'You hit your head. You are in the hospital.' She replies.

'Well, I can see that, but why? And who the hell are you?'

'I'll go get the doctor. Don't move.' She wanders out of the room looking concerned and comes back in a few minutes later with a white-coated man.

I fumble around the side dresser but my glasses aren't there. 'Here' The woman hands me what I think are my glasses. Nope, this box is too small for my glasses. 'I brought your contacts in case you woke up.' Contacts?! I hate the damn things.

Regardless, I attempt to pop them in, and it takes me a very long time. The thought of poking my own eyes put me off ever wearing them, so why on earth does this woman think I'd want them now? When I finish my struggle I can see a lot better - I guess they are my prescripton after all. How drunk was I last night that I needed to get contacts and pulled some weird woman who loves pet names?

I look at the people in the room. Definitely don't remember her. She's a bit older than myself by a few years. 'I'm sorry, I don't know what's going on. I still don't recognise you. Did you meet me last night at the club?' I am met with a blank face.

She turns to the doctor. 'Is he ok? What is happening?' The doctor puts his hand on her shoulder soothingly and then walks over to me.

'Look forward, please.' He points a flashlight in my eyes. 'Can you remember your name?'

'Jason Blythe. Why?'

'Ok, that's good. Can you tell me where you are from?'

'Wolverhampton.' He looks a little blankly with a faint trace of confusion.

'Hmmm. Ok then, can you tell me the date?'

Oh crap, I am useless with days. I know it is some time in September. 'Er... September something. 21st? I'm useless with dates.' The doctor seems relaxed by my answer. I guess I was correct. This must be a case of mistaken identity, and this crazy woman has the wrong room.

'And just to confirm, what year is it, Jason?'

Year? What a stupid question. 'I'm not an idiot Doctor. It's 2012.'

'Ahuh. Ok Jason, I am going to tell you something now, but please don't be alarmed.'

'What's happening, Doctor?' The blonde woman chirps in.

'Ok, well, I'll try my best to explain it to you both at the same time. Jason, you appear to be suffering from amnesia. The knock to your head has confused you, and you believe it to be September 2012 for some reason. You seem to know who you are, which is good. I believe the accident has worked a bit like a time jump, in which you have just forgotten the last 5 or so years of your life.'

'5 or so years?!' I am completely confused now. 'What year is it then?' I ask.

'It is the 15th of May, 2018.' My face must have been a picture right now. I am utterly bewildered. 'Now Jason, this memory loss may only be temporary and can come back at any time. Seeing your partner obviously hasn't stirred any remembrance, but other things might. Providing your tests come back ok, I can release you today. I want you to go home and get some rest, and don't try too hard to get your memory back. It won't help - trust me.'

I am in utter shock. One day, I hit my head on a night out, and the next, I wake up in some alternative universe where it is several years later, I wear contacts and have a hot girlfriend. What else has changed? 'I need the toilet.' I get up and walk over to the bathroom in the corner.

I go straight to the sink and splash some cold water over my face. That's when I noticed. Somebody has implanted my brain in another human being. That must explain it! The man staring back at me in the mirror can't possibly be me. It's like the x-files or some alien film where they swap bodies.

Without glasses, my face opens up a whole lot more. I actually have some stubble on my face, betting I could grow a beard right now if I wanted. I look a lot older, more grown-up, and my hair is much shorter. I am a smidge taller, and the belly has gone. In fact, I am very toned and have some muscle. Is that a 6-pack?

What on earth happened to me? I can obviously see it is me in some weird way, and I don't believe in some science fiction horror story, but I look so different. Good, even.

I run through what I remember last in my head. I was on a night out with Damian, and some girls were being stupid, and I decided to go home. Then I fell over... Maybe that's why I have gone back to that point in my life - a time where I took another knock to the head, and my brain is all confused.

Whatever is going on, I want to find out more. Who have I become? I go out of the bathroom and turn towards the doctor and my now sobbing girlfriend (such a weird thought, by the way, girlfriend). 'How soon did you say I can I leave?'

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