Its Beautiful!

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Kylie POV
So the guy beside the girls with blonde and brown hair wanted to holla at me tbh he cute tho,hehehe so I went to talk to Zoey.

Kylie:So this is squad?

Zoey:Yeah and Ashley is my sister.

Kylie:So who tht guy tho*pointing at Tayvion*

Zoey:Tayvion ,he tryna holla at u babe haha

Kylie:tbh he cute tho

Zoey:you srs wit me rn?!

Kylie:Wht?its my opinion hahaha.

River:You guys we should sit in a circle and introduce ourself with the new beau girl Kylie.

Kylie:Aww thanku!

the whole squad sit in a circle.

River: Ok Zoey you start first.

Zoey:Ok,My name is Zoey Taylor ,I'm 14 and I'm sister of Ashley and ,I love Ben cause he is bae asf.I like singing and dancing,tht it I guess?hahah

Soon all of them introduce themselves to (me)Kylie and then we all jumped into the pool and it made a big splash.

Ashley POV
I was still waiting for Jaden ,I was waiting and waiting ,I then text him he didn't even replied ,where tf did he go!??

*doorbell rang*

Ashley:Pls let it be Jaden..*crossing fingers*

I open the door to see sweating.

Jaden;Oh my god ,sorry I was late bae,I was on a hurry .

Ashley:omg I miss u !*hugging*

Jaden:I miss you too now can you get me a drink?

Ashley:Sure,come in ,awww poor baby .

Jaden:I'm so tired*lying at the sofa*

Ashley:here drink up,you ran?

Jaden:Yeah ..*panting*

Ashley:where to where?

Jaden:from the mall to yo house.

Ashley: You were at the mall?what for hahaha

Jaden:close your eyes


Jaden:Just do it .


Jaden:Ok give me your hand.

I was closing my eyes and I felt Jaden putting somethig on my wrist .

Ashley:ok can I see now..


Ashley:*squeal*omggggg its beautiful Jaden!!!thanku!!

Jaden:Welcome bae anytg for you*hugging her*

Malak POV
I was not even in the pool I was sitting down at the kitchen table and I heard tht Jaden was here and I went to peek at them by a wall and I saw tht he bought her a bracelet and it looked pretty on her,I wished it was me and her...soon I saw both of them kissing and I was heartbroken ,I rlly loved Ashley but she didn't trust me ,but she trust tht Jaden boy,soon my sadness turns to anger,but then they were walking towards the door to the pool and I straight away went back to the kitchen table and act I didn't know anything.Ashley then came towards me.

Ashley: Malak!!look at wht Jaden brought me *showing her bracelet*

Malak: Its beauiful Ashley ...

Ashley: Hey you ok ?


Ashley:come on let go to pool with the others!


Kylie POV
so I was just chillin at a bench beside the pool and suddenly Tayvion came ,wtf does he wants now .

Tayvion: Hey Kylie*biting his lips*.

Kylie:*fake smile*hey

Tayvion:Wanna go on a date?

Kylie:Nigga slow down and no I just met u

Tayvion:you play hard to get ma*smirking*

Kylie:Yes and which is good.

I walked up to leave him alone and then all I knew was I got pushed by someone and I fell in the pool,and Tht someone is tht nigga ass Tayvion.imma fuck his ass up

Kylie:wtf is your prob bro.

Tayvion:ntg boo.

Kylie:I'm leaving ,thanks for the Invite Zoey ,bye


Tayvion: I just pushed her.

Jaden:Yo girls are sensitive

Ashley:Go say sorry asshole


I was walking out the door and soon I heard tht nigga voice shouting my name I turned around looking at them still running and he feel cause it was slippery and it was funny tht it made me giggled a little bit,he stand back up agn and walk hahahah.

Tayvion:Look I'm sorry Kylie, forgive me?

Kylie:Fine nigga just bc you fall jn hahahaa.

Tayvion:Come on let's go back to the pool.

Soon we all had fun and it was 6.00 and all of us went back home .

Ashley POV
ii sill cannot believe tht Jaden brought me a bracelet, it was beautiful,I could see Malak was sad ,sigh I guess he still loves me I guess.After they all went back me and Zoey took a hot 15 min bath and we both went to sleep.

hope you guys liked it ,sorry if its boring but be sure to vote&comment .Love you guys!!!xoxo•

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