Ups and Downs

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You know, life is a bumpy road and there's always ups and downs. I know my life has a lot of things that bothered me, but now I'm living happily. And I'm going to tell you a story of someone who didnt have a very easy life either, but she made through the mess, and is happy where she is today.

Ups and Downs

"Come on, Marissa, it's time to go to our family reunioun!" cried my mom as she ran downstairs.

"I know, I know, how could I forget? I can't wait to see Stacy!" Stacy is my cousin and best friend. She lives in California so I only get to see her once a year at our annual family reunion.

I dashed downstairs, got my shoes on, and skipped to the car. Our family reunion was the thing I looked forward to all year, and it was finally here!


We got to our grandparents house, which was located in a small town in Michigan I was still very excited! I unbuckled my seat belt before we were even in the driveway and got ready to get out. It seemed like years since I had seen Stacy, and I really wanted to see her again.

When I got inside, there were so many people doing this and that that I didn't even know what to do do. I looked around the room to see if I could find Stacy, but I couldn't. It seemed strange, because Stacy was usually right by the door to greet me, or in the same room as me when I came. Today she wasn't even in the dining room. I didn't think about that for long, because maybe Stacy wasn't here yet or something. But I went on searching the house.

As I was searching the house I ran into Brittany. You know how there is always a brat in like a movie or a story that really makes you mad? Well, that would be her. Even though I don't like her, she knew almost everything, or at least she thought she did. So I asked her if she knew where Stacy was.

"Oh, so you're still friends with that little nerd girl, that's a shame! Guess you'll never be my friend," scoffed Brittany.

"You wouldn't let me be your friend anyway, so what's the difference. But will you tell me where..."

" You know, I'm kinda sick of talking to, goodbye," Brittany said, cutting me off.

Brittany really ticked me off, but I decided I wouldn't let her ruin my day. I kept on searching for Stacy.


Once I ran upstairs, there were only three more possible rooms to check. The bathroom, a guest bedroom, and my grandparents bedroom. I checked in the guest bedroom first and accidentally woke my cousin Carson up. When I checked my grandparents room, I saw Daniel, my ten year old cousin drawing on some paper at their desk.

"Hey Dan!"

"Hi Mari, wanna come draw Angry birds with me?"Mari was my nickname that everyone called me because, I guess it was too much work to say Marissa.

"No thanks, Dan, I'm kinda in a hurry, but I might later." I walked out of the room into the attached bathroom, no one was there. When I saw no one was there I freaked a little, where was Stacy??? Ithought for a bit and then it hit me. She might be outside!!! I headed outside. While I was heading outside I passed the kitchen, and grandma was crying hugging... Stacy???

"Stacy, I've been looking for you all over!" I cried. I was so happy to see her, but so confused by the fact that she was crying and hugging Grandma.

"Mari! Sorry I wasn't there to greet you, I got here a little late."

"That's okay, do you want to come to our secret hideout?"

"Sure"Stacy said. Our secret hideout was a big walk in closet in our grandparents room behind all the clothes. it was accually quite roomy.

We sat down in our secret hideout, took blankets that we kept there and made a little tent. I clicked on a flashlight that we stored back there, and laid back. There was a little akward scilence before Stacy said anything, but she eventually started explaining what she was doing downstairs.

" So you're probably wondering what was going on downstairs."

"Yeah," I said

" I have some bad news, I've known it for a couple years now and knew it would break your heart, so I waited untill now. My Dad, as you know is a pastor. A couple years ago he got a call to go to a small town in Australia. He didn't accept it because he didn't want

to move so far." she paused

"That's the bad news? He didn't accept a call?" I was confused

" No there's more! A little bit ago he got fired from his job for not calling his boss when he was sick. He really liked his job as a pastor, and didn't want to stop, so he called the church in Australia to see if they were still looking for someone. Lucky for him, a pastor had just retired. So the bad news is... "

"You're moving to AUSTRALIA!!!???" I interrupted.

"Yeah." Stacy said reluctantly. "I don't want to, but it's best for Dad."

"But you can't, next years fifth grade for me and you know the only thing I look forward to is seeing you. When you move will I still be able to see you at family reuniouns???" I started to cry.

"I don't know Mari, we might, but not yearly anymore. It's expensive to go to a different country." Stacy picked the flashlight up and turned it off.

"Stace? Why did you turn that off?"

" Because I hate to see people cry! It makes me feel bad, and I don't want you to see me cry!" Stacy broke into tears. There was a long time where Stacy and I were just crying. But I needed more detail

"Have you found your house yet?" I asked trying to hold in my tears.

" Yeah it's pretty small but it's just for dad mom, my sister Sarah and I so I guess being small is okay."

"I'm really going to miss... Brrrriinngg!!!!!" The dinner bell rang and inturuppted me.

"Ooh ouch is ready, I hear they have pecan pie my favorite!!" Stacy cried, and ran downstairs. I trailed slow behind her thinking about Stacy moving.

Wow I can't believe Stacy is moving, it's hard to imagine that she won't be her next year. And now family reuniouns aren't even worth coming to all I'll do is eat and listen to Brittany complain About everything... My thoughts were inturupted when the lunch bell rang again. I sped up.

"Well hi there Marissa I haven't seen you in a while!" My aunt Tasha cried.

"Hi Tasha," I said, then I sighed

"Well that wasn't a very nice greeting you seem down in the dumps. What seems to be bothering you?"

"Uh well..."

"Come on Mari get in line.!!" my cousin Danny screamed, "If you wait till I'm through the line there won't be ANYTHING left." Danny. Dragged me to the table where the food was, and I got in line



Hi guys hope you liked it so far! Sorry the beginnings kinda slow, but it will get better.


(if you notice any mistakes please comment, because I'm not that great at typing)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2013 ⏰

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