Chapter 2

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I walked into my bedroom to find Mikey way and Pete Wentz cuddling on my bed, they looked so happy together that I didn't have the heart to wake them so I placed a blanket over the two of them and Mikey smiled in his sleep, I still had no idea what was going on and I was still convinced it was all a dream and I was still passed out at my friends house but seeing them there made me want to stay in this dream, maybe never wake up but I was getting tired so I went into my spare bedroom and went to sleep in the hope I would wake up on the floor of my mates kitchen....

I woke up suddenly, frank was shaking me trying to wake me up shouting at me "WHERES MY GERARD?! I WANT MY GERARD!!!" I was absolutely terrified, I stood up and told him to calm down I took him into my living room and the sofa was still on it's side but Gerard wasn't there, something had happened, oh god he'd taken the cat too frank looked at my questioningly, his lip started to shake and I think I saw tears in his eyes it was killing me, we HAD to find Gerard.

I asked ray if he'd seen him but he shook his head and continued to attempt to comb his hair, we asked Mikey and Pete but they hadn't seen him either but they both offered to help find him, we'd searched up and down my street and we hadn't found him anywhere yet Mikey was starting to look very, very worried now Pete tried to comfort him but Mikey pushed him away, the only place we hadn't looked was my local bar we all exchanged very concerned looks and started running as fast as we could towards the bar and we stopped when we got to the door, I went in and told the others to wait outside so I looked around and there in the corner was Gerard I ran up to him and gave him the biggest hug I possibly could, I let go when I realised what he'd been doing...

There were beer bottles all over the floor, the bench and his table, he looked at me like a little boy would if he'd broken his mothers favourite vase I wanted to hug him again so badly but I resisted he knew he was t supposed to drink, he knew! I took him outside and and told Mikey about what I saw, he said he was sorry but he was offered a drink and couldn't resist it then he told me that he couldn't stop and he knew he shouldn't but he said he would never do it again and all the boys gave him a huge hug and he smiled ever so slightly, I couldn't not forgive him although I knew he had done wrong nobody could resist that smile, that smile.

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